God Gonna Gat’cha…


I’m fairly confident that JESUS will have a gun when he comes back to Earth, especially if he plans on hanging out in America. We loooooooove guns in America. Almost as much as we love GOD. Okay, truth is that we don’t nearly love GOD as much as we love guns, but we love righteous indignation, and that’s a way of loving GOD too I think. As a matter of fact we will shoot you over our righteous indignation, because that’s how JESUS would want it. If he had a gun.

Jesus will be returning to the Earth soon to bust his God-given gat. So sayeth a Michigan militia. The FBI has arrested several members of the militia and charged them with sedition. Blacks and Jews are still not off the hook tho’ since this wasn’t the ‘race war’ militia, but the ‘government is the anti-christ’ militia. The race war militia is still getting their shit together somewhere in Colorado.

14 Responses to “God Gonna Gat’cha…”

  1. DirtyJerz says:

    I was thinking about this just this week, as I switched my driver’s license over from IL to AR. I go into the local gun shop and patrons and the owner salivating over guns like porn. I walk in and just like the movies, everything stops! They’re looking at me like I’m not supposed to be there…but I have to. All the confederate flags out this piece and all these properties around here with purple tape wrapped around the trees. Who knew that meant that they shoot any and everything that steps near their property?

    I thought I saw the above painting in that gun shop.

  2. If/when the “race war” does break out, some Black folks are going to be mighty upset that they hadn’t really been accepted.

    “Praise the Lord, & pass the ammunition.”

  3. Damn Jerz. You just put a whole new spin on “the purple tape.”

    I’m sure cats don’t know that. I didn’t. My grandfather used to say he appreciated those “Whites Only” signs because if it wasn’t for them, he might’ve gotten murdered trying to take a piss.

    A dude like me would assume something was just wrong with the tree, & get mercked for being Black.

  4. Grand Master says:

    smh @ this fuckery. This is what I said on Twitter – “so when they’re white, they’re “militia” or “patriot extremists” but when they’re colored it’s “domestic terrorism”? gtfoh”

  5. Colored people only have the right to bear arms when “we” aim them @ each other.

  6. $yk says:

    “so when they’re white, they’re “militia” or “patriot extremists” but when they’re colored it’s “GANGS”? gtfoh”

    ^ There we go.

  7. Grand Master says:

    “Terrorism,” “gangs,” all just words that show how the double standard works.

    Eghck@ that

  8. DirtyJerz says:

    TG, I sure as hell didn’t know. I thought maybe the ribbons meant were mourning someone’s death.

    This is one reason I’m grateful that I never got caught in any of my stupid capers as a yute.

  9. Russ the Bus says:

    great image, dp. HAPPY PESACH!

  10. getthesenets says:

    This militia story ,as they’re reporting it will actually snap some people back into sense.

    Lot of people are confused and angry in this country, and have been easily manipulated…….but I think when the dust settles and they realize that this militia group was trying to take out (white) cops….some of the confused white folks will realize that a line has been crossed..a clear line in the sand that they are not willing to cross.

    They understand the role police officers play in keeping (their) neighborhoods safe and protecting their property……so when you have a group that is seen as trying to destroy that…….that group is gonna turn people off.

  11. Amadeo says:

    /\ There will still be potential in other places though, Maryland is a blue state, but you can’t tell when you read comments on the Local Papers website. They HATE all the black folks running the local government.

  12. getthesenets says:

    Yeah……but if the media story is about how these militias were gonna kill cops….
    gonna cause some people to check themselves because average white person has relatives who are in law enforcement somewhere…..especially the blue collar white folks that these groups are trying to appeal to.

  13. atifl says:

    combat jack made a great point on twitter yesterday i think he wrote something like, when its christians it militias, but for muslims its terrorists.

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