
In a relatively small window the model for the recording industry has totally shifted. This wasn’t anything gradual either. It was like tectonic plates shifting underfoot. It was like the earthquake that rattled Haiti. People are devastated. Everything they thought they understood about creating x producing x selling music has been altered and people can’t get back up.

How have music companies dealt with the ground under them being shaken? Not well. The response has been wholly reactionary and hardly progressive. And while the music industry clings to a dead dinosaur our friends at OnSmash.com rest in bureaucratic limbo. OnSmash.com is the NEW industry and this fux with the heads of the old one.

Will the artists that have directly benefited from the online machine come to the side of OnSmash.com and help defend their right to exist? PrA’li not. Hip-Hop/Rap music doesn’t have the voices that would tip the industry towards evolution. People are happy to just be collecting a check without going to jail to create a buzz for themselves. Rappers are the new slaves and OnSamsh.com and NahRight are the respective Harriet Tubman and Nat Turner of this shit.

Let my people go Department of Homeland Security. Let my people go…

2 Responses to “#FREEONSMASH”

  1. khal says:


    forreal though, that’s some bullshit. that interview from Combat Jack Radio was dope.

  2. jayplus says:

    This shit is wacknickulous! Free OnSmash!

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