Happy Juneteenth Internets…

Can you imagine the news of negroidian emancipation being broadcast via the internets?

There would never have been a Juneteenth celebration.

Black people TWitter would have blown its mind.

2 Responses to “Happy Juneteenth Internets…”

  1. Lamar Debussy says:

    New York State Emancipation Day was July 4, 1827 and one the great mysteries is… what happened to all those black folks? The population of Kings County (later all of BK) was ONE-THIRD slave, a bunch of whom spoke DUTCH.

    Meanwhile the names of slave owners are all around us in street names etc but will someone name me ONE black person from Brooklyn pre-20th century? From before Jackie Robinson (who was from Georgia via L.A.)? There were merely… many tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds. (HUGE black population we know and love today doesn’t happen until later Great Migration.)

    That’s not a research project for DP.Com but just a general observation and the difference between real knowledge and some of the nonsense that passes for the same in ‘hip-hop’. (‘Black Republicans’ wasn’t just a dogshit Nas song but has a very specific and far more important historic meaning.)


  2. the_dallas says:

    Why are you shitting on James Weeks? If you want people to learn something then share your information, otherwise you are simply a complainer and just putting more noise into the strum und drang.

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