hottentot venus

The Model Minority was kind enough to lace us a few months back with a blurb on the sad story of the SAARTJIE BAARTMAN, the Venus of Hottentot. This is one of the many tragic African characters that faced the three headed Cerberus of colonialism, racism and supremacy. This character was reviled for her natural ample posterior when in the same Victorian culture women wore an apparatus to give them the image of having such a backside. It’s completely nutty to me when I look at her story now because she was openly persecuted, yet secretly idolized and fetishized for her body.

The two major examples of the mainstream media’s continuous Black woman ass fetish are my brownskin baby momma SERENA WILLIAMS a/k/a Court Chocolate a/k/a SHE-HULK and everyone’s favorite high yellow songstress, BeYONCE KNOWLES. Both these ladies are first rate entertainers, but folks in the media can’t get away from what really makes these women popular to them — their big asses.


The New York Times was remarking on how heavy SERENA had become and they even chirped alongside JOHN McENROE and his superiors that said her extre-tennis lifestyle was ruining her power game. I remember when this same McENROE said that VEUNS and SERENA’s power games were ruining women’s tennis. McENROE should go to Hell and die.

My other Hottentot Venus is the purposely vacuous BeYONCE KNOWLES. I’m not old enough to remember the superstar grooming of DIANA ROSS, but I can see some connections between the two now that BeYONCE has immersed herself into acting. I know why DIANA ROSS tried so hard to get us to like her, because she had a difficult background, but with BeYONCE I am a little disturbed. She is completely overexposed for someone who is reportedly only 26. She’s not just burning herself out but she’s burning me out as well. Her name and likeness is attached to to so many things they will need to give her brand products their own wing at Wal-Mart by the time she reaches 30.


I’m all for people coming up in the game and making some money so I don’t begrudge BeYONCE her success it’s just that her rapid oversaturation is going to cause a backlash where we will question what we enjoy about her so much.

In the end(pun wholly intended), the MSM doesn’t care about BeYONCE’s staying power because they will invent some celebrity to replace her even if they have to dig through a D-list garbage pail of Black talent. BUFFIE the Body anyone?


6 Responses to “HOTTENTOT VENUS 2006”

  1. miss ahmad says:

    Beyonce is not our generations Diana “The Boss” Ross, she’s more like a new Janet Jackson. Messed over by her parents, probably screwed by her Dad and trying to piece meal her career together before she goes totally insane!

    Diana was groomed for success by the best, and I don’t know if Jay Z and Papa Knowles would be considered the best of the best yet.

    Just my two cents!

  2. Tia says:

    Damn, Miss Ahmad!! Tell us what you think, sis! hehehe

    Yeah, Diana was definitely on a whole ‘notha level when it comes to magnificence. I just doubt B will have that kind of staying power.

  3. Amadeo says:

    I don’t think anybody who comes out in today’s media really has staying power. When I consider one of the most consistently famous entertainers of my time I think Sade…how often do you see her? These cats that lavish in the media don’t realize…well like the man said, “She’s burning out and we’re getting burnt out on her.” If Sade does a television interview today I want to see it, but that’s cause she eludes the press and it makes those who are fans hunt her down…who was it that said, “Always leave them wanting more!”

  4. Goliano says:

    “Going to cause a backlash?” Said backlash is in full-effect, my brotha. Just peep the comments attached to any Beyonce themed blog posting.

  5. alex2.0 says:

    i’m ready for bey to retire. and i would prefer she not do any farewell tours (a la cher or tina turner). a text message or email will suffice.

    i thought you’d post the pic of serena in her black catsuit from ’01. (or whenever she wore it). and is she the only female athelete whose breast dont get smaller even though shes built like a linebacker???

  6. obonix says:

    Do you “really” thaink its the @ss?

    I thought it was the wealth and the smiles:)

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