Pumping Up Some Middle East Diplomacy…


I told you folks before that it was going down like a James Brown rent party…

U.S. warships are posting up along the coast of Iran and waiting for G DUBBZ to hollar back. What’s really at stake will be how the Middle East receives essential energy like electricity, heat and water. If the U.S. makes their push now and wrangles control of the region Halliburton will be the most important corporation for the next fifty years.

No wonder Halliburton moved it’s corporate headquarters to Dubai. Them niggas want to stay on top of their money on the daily basis, right at the source. It’s not only oil that’s important but the future energy sources that oil makes possible. If the U.S. let’s Iran become energy independent then how will we control smaller states like Syria and Jordan? Fuck that! Everyone has to buy from us. We are the hardbody bully on the block. Although we can’t just come out and say that since the rest of the world is already jealous of our supreme clientele. Instead we should say something slick like the conservative Muslim government in Iran is supporting terrorism.

Ha! They shootin’. Made you look.

By the way things are shaping up we may have our foot up that Iranian arse before July 4th. My opinion is eff ’em. If shitting on Iran gives me cheaper gas prices then who am I to get in the way of this imperialist manifest destiny? Rock on with your bad self G DUBBZ.

2 Responses to “Pumping Up Some Middle East Diplomacy…”

  1. Amadeo says:

    You know once it get’s warm heads start scrapping and the murder rate goes up.

  2. sangano says:

    have you guys seen, “O, you mad cause I’m Hyhpy’n on ya?” lol

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