
Anyone who names their child SHAQUANDA should be pre-emptively arrested and incarcerated for all the future crimes that their child will commit. You know that there is nothing positive coming from anyone with that name. You can argue that CONDOLEEZA renders that argument moot, but I ask you what has been so positive about her career? Other than the swelling tax brackets for Halliburton shareholders.

Does a name mean anything to the world outside? Does it describe someone’s values or their aspirations? How many of you will be naming your children DALLAS?

Because I have said for years that DALLAS PENN is for the kids’, I will cut right to the chase and give you a few important links to consider before you name your children. The first one gives you a listing of the top twenty whitest names and the top twenty Blackest names for girls. In other words, these are the most popular names for girls along racial lines…

The following list is for the top twenty names for boys comparing white and Black babies…

In honor of my internets brother, The Assimilated Negro, here is the listing of the top twenty ‘crossover’ names. These are the names that had the greatest attraction to both white and Black parents…


  1. Amadeo says:

    I saw Tyrone coming…but no Reggie. I’ve known a million Reg, Reggie bo and so forth.

  2. Candice says:

    Why do we need 4 spelling’s for Jasmine? **sigh**

  3. Combat Jack says:

    Damn, I’m on the list.

  4. Eloheem Star says:

    Don’t despair Amadeo Reginald is Sho Nuff on the list. There’s not enough kids named Willie anymore. We need mo Willies. One of the crews that I rolled with coming up we didn’t know each others govs (helps eliminate the snitch factor). We were arrested on some B.S. and I found out that 3 out of 5 of us had the same last name(Johnson) and 2 out of the 5 shared first names(Darryl). So those studies seem about right.

  5. miss ahmad says:

    Well like my Daddy always told me, you can name your kids what you want but they show up for a job interview they are still gonna be black.

    On of my boys named his daughter Cassidy so that “no one would know if she was black or white, or boy or girl” well since ya’ll live in Detroit, she’ll be Cassidy on the outside and Shaquanda on the inside…same fucking difference!

  6. Candice says:

    True story…when I was teaching, one of my students named her baby


    When I asked her why she selecetd that name….she replied…”Cause She A Queen” **dead**

  7. Candice says:

    Maybe I should go back to school…^selected (sorry for the typo)

  8. sasha says:

    HOORAY! i’m in the top ten black girl names. but i get bonus points cause mines is spelled ‘uniquely’.

    in compton my name was unique cause there was no ‘esha’, ‘iqua’, or hyphens and shit thrown in just because. in corporate america people stay complimenting it too. imho, certain ‘ethnic’ names are and can be beautiful blessings.

    i’m black at every job interview, most people know that before i come in. my kids will not have white bread ass names, but i also won’t try to use every vowel available. a pair of degrees, a mastery of the english language, and my swagger (read pleasant disposition) keeps me employed. i could’ve been named aquanetta (shout out to my homegirl) and still been okay.

    much JOHNSON love!!!!!! in a not weiner related way. (smiles)

  9. 40 "Straight Outta Wakanda" Dawg says:

    *takes solace in my uber-WASPy name*

    However for the DP.com fam when I do have a daughter I’ve decided her name is going to be “Brooklyn”.

  10. Candice says:

    40….I like Brooklyn…..thumbs up

  11. LM says:

    40, Brooklyn’s a nice name, but it’s bending (like Beckham) quickly towards WASPiness

  12. 40 says:

    ^^Thanks Candace… LM I hear you. He named his boy that though but as someone who already carries a WASPy name I’ll gladly inflict it on my progeny.

  13. I fux says:

    Yo my name isnt their cuz its Persian. I remember when the wifey and I had the biggest arrument cuz I wanted to name our daughter Jamila and she wanted Sierra well I lost and our daughter is named Sierra Jamila Lastname. I think the name Sierra is really getting popular because in my daughters pre-school class their is 1 other Sierra and I have noticed alot of other girls named Sierra as of late. The my first black girlfriend her name was Louketta(wtf!) she lost

  14. Tiffany says:

    Woo hoo! I’m on the cross over list!

  15. Vik says:

    true story: when i was teachin, here is hands down the greatest name i ever came across. evar.

    first name: mister
    last name: jenkins

    yeah. mister jenkins

  16. Vee says:

    ^sasha, I feel you.

    If you like this post, you should read Freakonomics, very interesting book. You should check out the chapter on Names. The story of Winner and Loser and the young girl named Tempest is crazy and entertaining.

    I often hear some black people like to give their children race and gender neutral names to give them a better chance in society. It’s no different than the outlook of some Asian Americans. But I am happy that there are Oprahs, Denzels, Shaquille and even Condoleezas out there. Although I would personally never name a child Condoleeza, Oprah, Precious, Unique or Destiny.

  17. Vee says:

    Allen Iverson’s mother recently named her son “Mister Allen Iverson.”
    She stated that she wanted to ensure he will be respected as a man. When the kid comes of age, I wonder what his famous older brother will call him? Mister? Allen? or M.A as opposed to Allen I. or A.I?

    People have their reasons for the names they choose.
    There’s always Winter, Autumn, Harvard, Ocean, Seven, Love, Happy, Spirit, May, June, August (well the month is named after the Roman Augustus), etc, etc. Brooklyn is not bad and I heard Dallas before. I like Tiger and even Hunter.

  18. Eloheem Star says:

    Name your kids what you want but think responsibly. Don’t have regrets when Bonquita is all growed up and gets turned down for that coveted position at a major business firm. I got a name like a popular so called Terroist… so after 911 is pretty much a wrap for me.

  19. king blair says:

    that nappy headed hoe shaquanda can get it if she aint got no tax write-offs (kids)

  20. king blair says:

    nullus i just read that hoe 14 no thank you i dont do the r.kelly

  21. sasha says:


    i’ll have to check it out. thanks for the info.

    ^vik et al

    my slain half-sister (god bless her) completely named my niece yurhynez. and was proud and laughed because she figured “her teachers are gonna be hating on her. having to call her your highness” the creativity line was not only crossed, it was obliterated. we all call the baby by her middle name.

    same with my lil cousin. three kids by this trashy yt. all their names start with jah’ and they insert random nonsense. i stay calling shenanigans on it. i feel the naming process speaks more towards their sense of helplessness and inability to own upward mobility as their own. pls note i hail from one of the most hapless american ghettos.

    most kids with stupid names have stupid parents and aren’t taught to value their primary education and grow up to be stupid too.

  22. sasha says:


    i’m with you. lots of those parents though don’t even see their kids as anything other than service staff at the big businesses. pretty sure there’s a bonquita who cleans my office. just like the dudes who work in the caf all chose to get gold teeth. (dies)

  23. eauhellzgnaw says:

    A chick my brother used to mess with named her daughter……Extasy Desire. Fortunately, the kid was not his.

  24. @Dallas, if you get any word where I can cop those Bron’s fruity pebbles hit me on the email, thanks.

    Yo, De La Hoya time!

  25. prynsex says:

    I’m didn’t make the list one way or the other. I always wanted to be name “Juanita”. I couldn’t embrace or grasp the concept of writing the long 9 letter long first name and 10 letter long last name. That was torture on a small pre-schooler such as myself. Now I see why some ppl signed their name with an X.

    Next baby is going to be named Zane, girl or boy and cut all the nonsense.

  26. prynsex says:

    Is the chick in the “marching band” pic with child?????????????

  27. shalundamayetta jenkins says:

    Name yor children what you choose. If someone is so ignorant and closed minded that they would discriminate against you because they don’t like your name, they are racist and ignorant no matter what you name your child. There was a study done a few years back that proved employers did discriminate when they looked at applications that had ethnic sounding names indicating the applicant was most likely black but the truth is, you can name your child Becky and she can get an interview but if the interviewer is racist, Becky is not going to be hired once the interviewer sees the skin color. Name you child what you choose. Conforming to what names white people find acceptable is sad. End the slave mentality

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