ISRAEL: It’s Really, Real Sonn!

its real

Sucks to be him. ^^

For over forty years now Israel has been an occupying force in the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. Israel took these lands during the 5 Day War in 1967. Palestinians were twisted when the U.S. and the U.K. installed Israel in Palestine way back in 1948. The adjoining arab states were beside themselves when the U.S. and the U.K. assisted Israel in the 5 Day War. As Israel continues to increase their settlements in the occupied lands, it still hasn’t dawned on the Palestinians that they lost. Game over.

Instead they continue to fight and subsequently die. The Palestinians would be fine if they could just follow the example of another indigenous group that was slaughtered nearly to complete genocide, but has since made a significant comeback in prestige and wealth. The American Indian or native American, if you must, has made a significant and dramatic comeback to prominence once again in this hemisphere. Nearly extinct from United States soil they are now some of the most happy people in the world. Imagine living near a casino all year around, with all the free alcohol your liver can accommodate? What about having some of the country’s most beloved icons fashioned in your likeness?

wahoo lloyd

If the Palestinians would just get down with Fatah they would be living phatter. Otherwise they will start looking more like the face model pictured at the top. They need to recognize that Israel has a minimum of five(5) bullets for every Palestinian, including two(2) for the children under 8yrs old.

Hamas + 1 can of Ack Rite = Ceasar’s Palace on the Gaza Strip

22 Responses to “ISRAEL: It’s Really, Real Sonn!”

  1. that is the WOAT gruesome photo.

    However discomforting, props for showing it. All the chickenhawk bitchmades that gladly send other people’s son to fight wars, but are too shook to fight themselves, need to be shown photos like this. Our bitchmade MSM never shows photos like this.

  2. I disagree that all is great for Native Americans. They are hard to find, at 1% of the American population, but I encourage you talk to one. It ain’t all good.

  3. Candice says:

    I am so disturbed by that photo, I can barely comment. Wow.

  4. Sangano says:


  5. Ream_Team says:

    ElGringo, I believe our friend Dallas was being sarcastic. That photo is fuckin’ HEAVY. I used to want to be a war photographer. WTF?

  6. Big Homie says:

    Candice Says:

    July 11th, 2007 at 1:57 pm
    I am so disturbed by that photo, I can barely comment. Wow.

    ^^ How can one even stand there and take a pic of this. Now I know how people feel when they listen to a TI cd..LMAO

    On the real though, I just ate. *holds stomach*

  7. Candice says:

    It’s so violent….it doesn’t even look real. Damn.

  8. wax says:

    despite the sarcasm in the post, I do agree that the Palestinians could be doing much better economically – and economics equals power, money equals influence.

    look at what they did when they got the gaza strip back? the TI’s left it in good shape, with some infrastructure to build off on and what did they do? they tore it up, and then they decided to have a civil war.

    that place is fucked the fuck up.

  9. Meka Soul says:

    * looks at picture *


  10. Nigeria says:

    I think that guy is dead…

    Aside from that…

    Not wishing to be picky…

    5 Day War?…Correction?

    ”U.K. assisted Israel in the 5 Day War.” To be honest, I wasn’t aware of any overt assistance by Harold Wilson’s Labour government at the time. I was always under the impression that after the Suez Crisis in the mid 1950’s, British governments acted in consolidation with many other world powers in that region – and only if they had a suitible mandate from a credible world organization. What I’m saying is, I don’t think the British collaborated with the Israeli’s in this conflict, it was strictly a (US backed) Israeli operation.

  11. thoreauly77 says:

    no. israel needs to leave these places (sinai, gaza, wb, golan). how incredibly ironic that a state was made for people who were slaughtered mercilessly and now these same people turn around and do it to their neighbors. this is one of the most depressing, unsolvable situations in the world. the facts you stated above are just another example of how the US has been and is a sponsor of state-sanctioned terrorism, and surprise surprise it’s against an arab nation.

  12. Amadeo says:

    Wait…why don’t Arabs like America again…I keep forgetting.

  13. Incilin says:

    Are you out of your fuckin mind?? Native American’s are soo far from “the happiest people on earth” Hell, native american’s prolly got it worse than black people in america. the palestinaials will never ever give up and they shouldn’t give up.

  14. Misha says:

    Um…….. I had something prolific to say, but all I can think about is brains on the sidewalk. But seroiusly, if more people saw what the reality of war looks like first hand, there would probably be less of it. I experienced it first hand in Panama, when Bush Sr. and his thugs came to get Noriega. They ran over people in family cars with tanks if they were in the way. There’s a war goin on outside no man is safe from………

  15. alex2.0 says:

    that picture?!?! oh my gosh!!!

  16. nerditry says:

    Send one up nightly, cause my mom’s still about 3 weeks from leaving Tel Aviv and for sure I’m always worried.

    Specially since your boy will be heading to the Holy Land just in time for a Christmas miracle!

  17. valentine says:

    Is that Lloyd? Lol.
    That photo is exactly what should be shown on the news. Also, You stuupiiiddd!!!

  18. esbee says:

    Yo Dallas, was that photo real? (please tell me its not)

    L.O.ehL @ the Lloyd reference…on point as always.

  19. Gee says:

    I don’t know what amazes me most, the depth of the conversation you invoke or the realness of the responses that you generate. Having seen first hand the resources generated by the Mashantucket Pequot tribe and having sent used airline blankets to members of the Sioux during my prostitution years…I can honestly say that the differences are vast to say the least! Amadeo was right…

  20. Stef says:

    Dear Diary,
    I needed somewhere to go and I found a share-house reccomended to me by some friends. These cats better think twice about sharing ANY of my shit. In fact, when they turn their backs, I’m going to be moving that line I drew down the middle of the living room that clearly marks out my seat and snack area. Actually, I’m going to start arbitrarily drawing a few more lines around this place.
    Just before I moved in I thought about how I was going to do this and the idea of moving in and “sharing” this space did briefly cross my mind. We’d decide together what we would watch on the TV. A roster would be drawn up dividing the household chores. And they would maybe get to eat every once in a while.
    But then I remembered that I’d made that mistake before. And these freaks smell funny. The first one of these cunts that even looks like they’re making a move on one of my hot pockets is getting confetti…

  21. prynsex says:

    Dall did you cop that from Rotten dot com. If not, send it in……..

    That is by far worst than…………….well…………….um………………..they are all gruesome….


  22. Jon Smack says:

    thats faker than ma$e

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