Don’t H8 KIM KARDASHIAN’s Booty…

dont h8

Editor’s note: We are happy to introduce a new feature on this blog held down by one of Kansas City’s most gully bloggers. H8TORADE is exactly where dude is coming from. Peep his picture album *NSFW*, but only if you work from home, or you have the coolest job. Evar.


One thing you can always count on is me bringing you the latest pictures of Kim Kardashian. If you don’t think she is fine then feel free to shove your dick in a blender for about 30 seconds, since chances are that you don’t use it much anyways.

kim k

kim k

hell nahh ‘YE TUDDA says “HELLL NO PIMPIN’!”
First off, little KIM K has put in so much work lately that her little cootie cat stays on swole. Secondly, ‘YE TUDDA is not fucking behind the boy BRANDY. There’s way too many brand new young model ho’s in the game to keep him from effin’ with this piece. This is some regular nigga exotic pussy.

15 Responses to “Don’t H8 KIM KARDASHIAN’s Booty…”

  1. 40 says:

    Mr. West is putting in major work here. I love it.

    (and don’t let me see Kim K. on payday, she can get cheese and supersize it!)

  2. Candice says:

    Hmm let’s see….Kim K. has slept with Ray J who has also banged Lil Kim and SupaHead who have banged…uh….everyone.

    Be careful with that one. “Kardashian” sounds like the strain of virus she’s carrying.

  3. J™ says:

    “Be careful with that one. “Kardashian” sounds like the strain of virus she’s carrying. ” aaayyyooo!

    You shoulda’ never done this, Dallas. Now I’m gonna have to listen to this fool talk about how he’s blowin’ up, being on D.P., etc for weeks.

  4. Tiffany says:

    I’m lovin’ Ye’s commentary. KEEP IT COMIN’

    No “Ho” Dashian for Ye!!!

    DALLAS, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR THE DVD. Best Blogger Customer Service Evar!!!

  5. Fake Booty or Not, that broad will get it all day, ey day. Long as the cooch is the juicest, im down for the get down. That dress is beggin for a lift up.

    Word on the internets is Reggie Bush is runnin thru that right now…..

    Damn I need to get famous.

  6. Kim K might be the “most beautifullest thing in this world” right now, from the OG Armenia in East Europe all the way to Armenia, Colombia.

    1 of the only women to appeal to both voloptuous woman/T&A/curves fans like me, as well as the prevailing American media-sponsored waif/anorexic fans. Even these waif fans that have ridic bad taste, such as Maxim putting pancake-assers like Lindsay Lohan at #1, can’t front on the beauty of Kim K.

    Disclaimer, of course I’m talking beauty only, not the “total package” combination of beauty + actual talent/skill at some useful field such as business, singing, nuclear physics, etc.

  7. zillz says:

    she put enough money to make herself fuckable. i’d donate dick to the backshot. money well spent, monsieur.

  8. jen says:

    Best looking case of antibiotics-resistant syphilis I’ve ever seen.

  9. h8torade says:

    J™…if it wasn’t for you I would have never checked out DP . COM….you know me….i’m not one to brag…..

  10. omegaSB says:

    id fuck her till the patriot act get abolished….

  11. Two condoms are better than one.

    Although it’s hard to bat clean up behind Ray J.

    The Kanye drops are classic.

  12. 911 says:

    concur the Kanye shit is hilarious…props to h8torade…and I’d might go raw on ole girl…hell naw…the thought would cross mind my mind though…no russian roulette.

  13. I work from home. I have the best job evar.

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