POLITRICKS 2008: And They Called It Coppy Love…

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RUDY’s weedcarrier BERNARD KERIK = Power Bottom

There was never any doubt what agency had access to the ears of GIULIANI when he was the New York City mayor. The Fire Department has always been the stepson when placed alongside the Police Department, but these dudes were totally shut out of the game with GIULIANI. Further proof that they couldn’t be heard was the fact that they still used substandard emergency communication equipment during the World Trade Center collapse even though they had a test run in that same structure five years prior.

When the Towers were under attack GIULIANI huddled directly with the police and told the firefighters they were on a need to know basis. Essentially, they would be called in for photo opportunities when someone wanted to have a cairns helmet in the background. Slowly the skeletons of RUDY are being unearthed as he continues to think that he can somehow strongarm the presidency the same way he bullied himself into the mayoralty. You already know that saying about what usually happens when you see smoke. And the firemen’s union is starting to spit that… Fire.

One Response to “POLITRICKS 2008: And They Called It Coppy Love…”

  1. Dart_Adams says:

    I miss the good old days…”Who Shot Rudy?” by Screwball, “Julie” by Pumpkinhead, “Mayor” by Pharoahe Monch. Shit dudes out in the Bean were even like “Fuck Giulani!”. Dude was/is mad dirty. One.

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