POLITRICKS 2008: Pay Now, AND Pay Later…

iraq money

One point six trillion. Just say that to yourself. Trillion doesn’t even sound like a real word. That sounds like some made up shit that crunk rappers might use. “Chillaxin in the trap with a trillion hos keep it trill.”

Supposedly, trillion is the designation for numbers exceeding billion. How the fuck do you go higher than a billion? I remember when a million was a fantasy numeral. Now you can buy a hguman skull embedded with diamonds for over a million dollars. Was I high or something when we leapfrogged over the years where a billion was that mystery number? It seems like we just went from the ‘Six Million Dollar Man’ in the one point six trillion dollar debt.

Report: Iraq, Afghan wars cost U.S. $1.6 trillion so far

Here’s why I’m so confused…

The Six Million Dollar Man could do all kinds of super powered shit. We could have sent a hundred of them into Iraq and Afghanistan and that wouldn’t have cost us more than say… $800 million. Do you know how many Six Million Dollar Men we can buy for one point six trillion? Over two hundred and sixty thousand, or twice the number of U.S. troops in Iraq right now.

Since we all know that the government hasn’t been spending even a million dollars on each of our soldiers sent into the desert the question becomes where has ALL of this money has gone? In simple mathematical numbers without the addition of fantasy termsa like trillion or even billion it is plain to see how fucked in the ass our economy will be. Paying off this war will mean that China will pwn our asses until my grandkids’ grandkids reach maturity.

Which presidential candidate will be hardbody enough to say the truth?

17 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Pay Now, AND Pay Later…”

  1. J™ says:

    “Which presidential candidate will be hardbody enough to say the truth? ”

    Ron Paul

    *Runs and hides*

  2. Which presidential candidate will be hardbody enough to say the truth?

    *enter Amanda’s conspiracy theorist side*

    None of ’em. When it comes down to it, they’re all working for the same evil.

    Where’s the money going?
    I think we’re secretly funneling some of it to Israel and funding their weapons and and shit like that. I mean how easy would it to be to yank a couple millions out and just hand it over to the Israelis real quick? When you’re spending a trillion+, a million or two ain’t shit.

    Or better yet, we’re paying for Bin Laden’s kidney dialysis. Hmm…

  3. coqui says:

    Naw, it’s going to me. What am i spending it on? Cheetos. Lot’s of fucking Cheetos. And Pernil.

  4. Combat Jack says:

    cot-damned shame.

  5. Content says:

    Reduced to this shit again, huh. Guess you should have been more open minded.

  6. i’ve been tryin’ to tell cats to start brushin’ up on their Mandarin…

  7. Combat Jack says:

    what’s up wit yer posts at xxl fam?

  8. FLYNFLA says:

    People keep sayin Ron paul. he says some decent shit. but i doubt he’d do anything about it in office. A man is not what he says, but what he does.

  9. Dj RaYz says:

    Over 65% of the defense budget is going to Blackwater and various private military companies. What does this mean? Our military is getting privatized. How does it affect you? This means that they are using public tax money to spend on private companies. In the reports of military deaths, private companies are not included in the results (thus creating this effect that less people are dying).

    What is funny about our public tax money going to huge contracts to private companies is that those private companies can donate those funds to campaign contributions (and get a tax write off on that).
    Here are a few links:

    This shit is crazy!! Many of us don’t understand where the nation money is being funneled to. These crooks have taken over office and are sending public tax money into their pockets via their companies. This is not what America stands for! If we people don’t educate our selves and stand up for what’s right, we will be taken advantage of and will be left with a 3rd world country in the decades to come.
    Evidence for President!!!

  10. J™ says:

    Nevermind the refreshing fact that he’s not a Clinton or Bush. Paul has a pretty solid record in Texas. Plus, he’s not accepting donations from corporations, and that there speaks volumes to me.

  11. We need a racist in office to tell the truth. I say bring Strom Thurman back from the dead. Otherwise, it will be all Jesus-based propaganda.

    Yo, I’d spend $1.6 trill on Bennie Bhutto, just to show that I can trick it. She’s the hottest chick in the game. I bet the thighs are thicky-thick, and you know she keeps some Egyptian Musk on deck for private moments.

    Again, I’d hit. Hard.

  12. the_dallas says:

    J tm,
    Who needs to accept money from corporations when America has more millionaires and billionaires in its history?

    The flip side is that we have more people living in poverty since the Depression.

  13. Tony says:

    Heh, they said Iraqi oil was going to pay a big part of it . . . What a joke. I’m on board with the six million dollar man solution . . . Not only a savings but also makes for better TV than just Faux News propaganda.

  14. omegaSB says:

    yea …fuck damien hurst

  15. Amadeo says:

    And to think…with that money we could have developed lightsabers and flying cars and said fuck oil.

  16. J™ says:

    I hear you D.P., but I believe dood is really real. Look how Fox and CNN give him no play. That should tell you somethin’. He’s got Rudy shook. Talk radio equates him to “tin hat wearers” because he says stop fuckin’ with other peoples’ business and quit the imperialistic policies. He voted “no” in the first place to go to Iraq. He’s shakin’ lobbyists off like A.I. did to Tyron Lue at the end of game one in ’01.

    Please believe…

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