The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Is A Big Pain In The Ass…

lohanBig pharma spokesmodel and teen recruitment director LINDSEY LOHAN

Drugs in America is some funny shit. Everything has to be framed through the prism of supremacy and racism. Holding a kilo of cocaine ain’t gonna get you served up north for as long as as ten grams of crack cocaine will, and while the prescription drugs run amok inside of people’s manicured lawn homes, the local politicians try to convince us that marijuana is a scourge to humanity. No wonder people felt a kind of way about BARRY BONDS. America is a nation of drug addicts. And the majority of us have a prescription note from our doctors to score that fix.

Painkiller use rising at alarming rate

So was RUSH LIMBAUGH a visionary? Or just a douchebag junkie?!?

Like your cousin Fabolous says, ‘You already know.”

6 Responses to “The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Is A Big Pain In The Ass…”

  1. 40 says:

    Everyone is airing out my girl, LOL. See she should have rolled with me when she had the chance. She wouldn’t be in any of this shit…

  2. Amadeo says:

    What kills me is people kinda knew in the 80’s and 90’s when suburban housewives was downin’ valium like they had the secret of life in them, but hey like Chris Rock says: “Only the white man can profit from pain.”….to all the white people who read this don’t get any ideas…unless your family came on the Mayflower or you have old money you can still get served up pretty easy.

  3. geneva_jones says:

    “Supremacy”? yes. “Racism” well, yeah, cause it’s a pervasive context in which our society operates. But I think the double-standards you are referring to are more about Class than Race. (Yes, I know they’re linked and not mutually exclusive.) The folks who get away with use and abuse and commerce have security and access based on class. The only difference between Lindsay and the poor white trash snorting Oxycontin in Appalachia is that LiLo doesn’t still party with her mom in cut off jean shorts and nasty ass wife-beater tank tops…oh, wait…

  4. Combat Jack says:

    Years ago, my father in-in law (who’s never had a drink in his life) pointed out to me that White has historically been the biggest drug addict known to man. From tobacco, sugar, caffeine, liquor to prescriptive drugs, they keep it popping (pun intended). War on Drugs is only against drugs they haven’t been able to completely control through the FDA and pharmaceuticals. Not trying to be racist, just sayin’. I’m strung out on coffee and wifey on sugar. Oh yeah, father-in-law is strung out on carbs.

  5. anybody got stats on American:

    u = deaths via users overdosing on illegal narcotics
    s = deaths via violence between sellers of illegal narcotics

    My guess would be that s >> u.

    We should study The Netherlands’ policy on narcotics

  6. Tony says:

    Without the INSANE discrepancy in charges for minor distinctions between drugs there is no way the jails would/could be packed with minorities and poor white people and no way to run entire towns with funding for said jails.

    I first read the term “prison industrial complex” on this site and it changed my perspective on a lot of things.

    Combine that with the drug trade and it all adds up to B.S.

    Another awesome post Dallas.

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