POLITRICKS 2008: Septugenarian Stick-Up Kids

old mugs

I’m thinking about tagging my political news on this website “Laugh Now, Cry Later”. That’s the truth about our political system and the more I learn the more I want to kill myself to find out what awaits me on the other side. Shit over here is so fucked the fuck up and the people with the means to make it less so don’t have the will or the commitment to reverse the direction.

I’m sure that most of you are aware of the fact that the U.S. resides in a woeful deficit that has compromised the value of our money so much that Canadian dollars are now worth more. All hell will break lose when the peso supplants the dollar. I imagine that we will be waist deep in the throes of an all out racial war by that time in order to keep our minds pre-occupied from the fact that we were bought and sold a generation ago. All this doom and gloom might be overstated if I couldn’t see the handwriting on the wall.

First Baby Boomer Applies For Social Security

Baby Boomers are the children of America’s so-called ‘Greatest Generation’. Their parents weathered the Great Depression of the 1930’s and also fought in the second World War. The Baby Boomers were America’s largest growth in population and the source of wealth for this country through their contributions in labor and resources, particularly their contribution to our tax base and our overwhelming debt ratio. Unlike their Depression era parents, Baby Boomers were actually rampant consumers. This same out of control consumption has been a trademark our Baby Boomer controlled government.

For the last forty years our government has spent more money than it has collected. The majority of these funds have been spent on militaristic projects like the Vietnam War, the arms race with Russia, the space program and the trillions of dollars given away as corporate welfare. In the meanwhile our education system has been dismantled and the social programs that provided vocational skillsets to our citizens have been dissolved to non-existence. We have been creating a permanent under-educated underclass. The next step will be a return to an economic feudal system. Start collecting Euros and don’t be surprised when you hear about grandparents doing stick ups and bank jobs in order to pay for their prescriptions.

I’m not crying a tear because our social security money has been spent on spy satellites and private security companies that kill Iraqis. Since I’m Black, I wasn’t going to live long enough to collect any benefits anyhoo.

BTW internets… EUGENE SAENGER is dead.


SAENGER’s resume totally shits on Dr. JACK KERVORKIAN for his overall body count. The difference between the two was that SAENGER had a license to kill from the Pentagon. He was a radiology expert who tested the effects of intense dosages of radiation on human patients. Basically any poor Black that came into Cincinnati’s General Hospital between 1960 and 1971 was getting zapped by SAENGER until his assed was fried, died and laid to the side.

SAENGER handled his biz in the same spirit as the Tuskeegee Experiment from the 1950’s. The patients were never told that they were being killed slowly because some were being killed immediately. His actions in regards to debriefing patients and using the public hospital as the base for a highly classified military experiment brings not simply questions about this man’s ethics, but also his very morality. It looks like the Hippocratic Oath becomes hypocritical when in the hands of racists.

Good night good doctor, and good riddance.

16 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Septugenarian Stick-Up Kids”

  1. spider says:


    also considering how fucked up the healthcare system is in the USA and the dollar being more than 50 years off the gold standard, what can we really draw from our collections of prized comic books and shoes?

    it’s time for anarchy

  2. Enigmatik says:

    Good drop, dude. I just read that Baby Boomer article yesterday. By about 2030, 1 in 5 Americans is going to be over the age of 65. Additionally, $16 trillion of this country’s assets are held by households headed by someone over the age of 50. Too bad we all know that 10% of the total population runs the other 90% in terms of finances. Combine that with a workforce that won’t be able to provide the funding for Social Security and we’ll be having a problem on our hands sooner than later. Looks like we’ll see some grandma and grandpa stick-up teams in the next decade or so.

    Stack your pesos, rubles, and dinars son.

  3. Enigmatik says:

    eff saenger by the way

  4. Candice says:

    Rest in Pieces Saenger

  5. Dj RaYz says:

    Yo is that David Letterman in that picture? Crazy ass drop DP. This shit is real knowledge! You should make a video post of this!

  6. Lion XL says:

    “What happened here is one of the worst things this government has ever done to its citizens in secret,” Egilman said.

    For some reason I doubt the veracity of this statement. Is this because 40% of the testees were white? I sure there are more radical/heinous experiments that have been done in secret to BLACK folk that would push this out of the top 20 based solely on numbers of people affected.

    Not to say that this isn’t effed up. but we all know ( or should know) that the guv’ment routinely swaps black folk for lab mice when its convenient to do so(like when no one is watching!).

  7. t.r.b says:

    tuskegee anyone? ,in regards to the funk doc…as for the boomers…the shite will officially be hitting the fan soon, i’m only 22 and i’ve been planning for my future finances since i got my first job at 15 (God bless 10th grade economics!)

  8. strictly_vintage says:

    Keep your eyes on the ball … speaking on fucked the fucked up, we’re in Iraq, or maybe you want to get sick sometime and have to go to the hospital? The medical system is fucked the fuck up.

    What about when the Baby Boomers were zero to 20? Who was taking care of them back then? And the US was a hell of a lot poorer, too.

    In the sixties we spent more money on schools and other facilities for children. We’re going to have to spend more money, money which exists, on hospitals and rest homes and elderly care.

    Don’t let Dick Cheney fool you into thinking this is a crisis.

  9. Combat Jack says:

    For real ya’ll, get yer paper up! Play the stocks or sue a major corp. Get your paper up or you’re effed the fuck up!

  10. ADP says:

    First off

    Id like to say something that has not been adressed on this website. If we go to school educate ourself and find employment that is rewarding, we dont have to worry about such issues as over priced healthcare. Instead of sticking to your roots and being “Ghetto” lets educate ourself and the children of the future to be better people, whom work better jobs and get out of this killing and drug filled lifestyle

    The ways of the ghetto are gone, and all you losers need to stop making these websites up, and read a book and maybe encourage someone else to.

  11. redd says:

    I’m convinced that whenever the government gives or gave out shit for free it was some experiment of some sort. Especially to black ppl.

  12. 911 says:

    ill drop…

  13. Yo, I wanna say something righteous, but I can’t stop laughing at that damn picture of the O.G. goon at the top.

    The best posts piss you off with information and good research, while making you laugh at something you shouldn’t.

    Good post.

    Sheesh… every time I scroll up I laugh again…

  14. prynsex says:

    Thats so fuck’d up.


  15. Combat Jack says:


    No wonder you got such a gigantically huge fucking head! Nigga, you need an effin metal neck brace just to keep that boulder from leaning off your shoulders!!!

    Sorry, just joking, couldnt help it.

  16. prynsex says:

    ^ Uhm Combat…………..

    First off, I’m a SHE. No “nigroid” here.

    Second, “gigantically huge fucking head”, WHAT? Are you kidding. LOL

    I come HERE everyday, it couldn’t possibly be that big. LOL

    I do kinda wonder if ol’ “Gene” left some of his lab rats in the field after he was ultimately executed from his reigning spot at The General. That would explain quite a bit!

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