Gunned Down In An Islamabad Bucktown…


Pakistani government opposition leader BENAZHIR BHUTTO learns the hard way that fucking with the C.I.A. is worse for your health than fucking with Mother Nature. The world now has one less female presidential candidate.

From the New York Times: Bhutto Assassinated in Attack on Rally

For some insight on why BHUTTO was a target , take a look at MAXINE’s drop here at DP Dot Com, BENAZIR BHUTTO’s Gangster Bitch Chronicles

The stock market tumbles because someone merc’ked a Pakistani presidential candidate!?! WTF!?!? Are we a third world country now? Let me know now so I can go get my malaria shots.

The only folks in America that I thought were directly affected by this lady’s death would be the Hindudes that run all the newsstands and the Qwik-E-Marts. Apparently I was wrong…

Stocks open lower following Bhutto assassination

13 Responses to “Gunned Down In An Islamabad Bucktown…”

  1. evan says:

    Not that it really matters, she’s as corrupt as the rest of them. Fuck Pakistan, actually fuck their government like fuck ours. The people are definitely not represented.

  2. prynsex says:

    Don’t steal, the government hates competition.

  3. jeff says:

    you’re a moron if you don’t understand how pakistani politics affect our own.

  4. Nigeria says:

    ??? this post.

    People shouldn’t rush to express an opinion, especially on matters as volatile as this.

    Though I am not directly affected, a friend of mine has family in Islamabad, where Nawaz Sharif supporters were shot at today by unknown forces, and he is rather worried about the situation.

    To treat an incident such as this with such flippancy shows a real state of regression on your part.

    Grow up.

  5. persuede says:

    Irrespective of one’s views on Bhutto — I def wouldn’t make the case for her as a savior — she was the primary secular-minded democratic leader of Pakistan. She had made statements apologizing for allowing the Taliban to acquire power during her watch in the mid 90’s. From everything I read, her death appears to be a blow to the anti-extremist movement in Pakistan.

    If there’s no one left who is willing to publically stand up in opposition to fundamentalism — even if it is just lip service or for her own means — how does that leave us in a better place?

    Would she have made a difference in the future of Pakistan? Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn’t mean she deserved to be assassinated. And lets not forget the hundreds of other people who died in this and other attacks who’s only crime was expressing their political hopes and beliefs en masse.

  6. F says:

    I see suspended elections on the horizon for Pakistan. Again.

    Political destabilization in Pakistan is Americas worst nightmare. Nukes, resurgent extremism + an intense hatred of India, surging Al-Qaeda and Taliban strength, and then this–the most outspoken proponent of Democracy and equal rights in the country recently assasinated. This is very bad. I don’t believe that there’s anyone left there with Bhutto’s influence to carry on the opposition to the pure dictatorship that it seems Musharraf is in love with. Regardless if you agree with her politics, you gotta admire the balls on someone who risked death every time she made an appearance.

  7. the_dallas says:

    Pakistan was more unstable with Bhutto alive. Musharraf is a soulless dictator and those are the types of people that the U.S. likes to eff with overseas.

    You see how well Saddam worked for our interests. Iraq is a clusterfuck without him in charge.

    The extremism and the threat to India are really good for business you’ll see.

  8. FatBoY says:

    Damn they took her out on some ‘Bourne Ultimatum’ type shit.

  9. F says:

    I’ll have to read further about the relative stability difference with or without Bhutto’s presence, but I can guarantee that Pakistan is certainly more unstable today than it was yesterday. Musharraf isn’t foolish enough to do anything too retarted and risk that $5 billion per year ‘War on Terror’ money flow from our taxes. Democracy in this case is a farce of a solution. We’re ok with dictators as long as they are in our pocket.

    Yeah DP, conflict and the perpetual threats of WW3 are awesome for business. Nothing expands a modern economy like war.

  10. the_dallas says:

    The well of American dollars to Musharraf won’t run dry, even when we don’t even know where it is really going

  11. F says:

    Oh wow. I certainly should’ve expected as much. It’d sure be nice to live under a system where such massive levels of federal ineptitude wouldn’t be tolerated, but…well…F it.

    Used to be you were accountable for poorly administered multi-billion dollar gambles. Nice find.

  12. Belize says:

    Hillary better hide her cookies….cats are hat-in’

  13. This is some janky shit. Ol’ girl was dope. Even if she was corrupt, which of course, all politicians are, she was a female with hundreds of thousands of followers. That shit just doesn’t happen in most places.

    If Hillary went into exile for a few years and came back, I seriously doubt that more than 10k would appear for her return. Plus, she’s not worth 1.5 Billy.

    She got set up and merked. Damn. I need my girl to get gangsta like her, plus make me some extra millions. Just don’t get us blown the eff up.

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