
MICHAEL VICK was not an aberration for how Black folks get down as dog owners. Yes, he was the exaggeration of the truth, but Black folks on the whole are some of the worst dog owners ever. At least Chinese folks eat their dogs. One could argue that there is merit in using canines as a sustainable foodsource.

Here’s my problem…

A whole bunch of white moves back into Crown Heights and they bring their pets. The Blacks that want to “act” like they are all environmental and into recycling and all that phony shit go out and get dogs too. I used to blame the white for leaving dog shit on the curb until I stayed at the house of some white and peeped how they bought plastic bags SPECIFICALLY for picking up dog shit.

*Now ain’t that a bitch? Saving the environment and still buying more plastic bags. Let’s face it, white can mitigate anything.*

So if white isn’t disrespecting the ‘hood by leaving the dog shit on the curb who the fuck is doing this shit? Yep, Blacks with dogs. Should’a never let you niggas watch ‘Lassie’! For real, if I was mayor I would arrest any Black with a dog. If them fools ain’t fighting dogs they are letting their dog sully the sidewalks with shit.

Take a look at this crap on the corner of Kingston Ave and Sterling Place.



I got all into my doo doo detective mode and I have determined that is a Nike ACG bootprint in that turd.

Hmmm, let me find out Combat Jack has a dog…


11 Responses to “ATOMIC DOG”

  1. Combat Jack says:

    White stay walking the dog in Crown Heights.

  2. In my hood the dog is in the backyard chained up for life, NY lost. Fuck YT and their ridiculous love of animals, shits disgusting b. Word to Amorres Perros and that Tiger that fucked up those kids in the San Francisco Zoo. Now that Tiger Jumping 16ft to grab them mothafucka’s must have been a thing of Beauty and I feel a little empty inside that that ish isnt on Youtubery.

  3. russ the bus says:

    thanks for that little funk joint, brightened my day and got those guitar hero song outta my head, for now.

    im pretty sure george clinton shits where ever he wants, and i aint pickin that up, with or without the plastic bag hand.

  4. Vee says:

    D, more scatological shitty crappy poo? You are a true NYer.

    ^iFux, personally I would have loved a YouTube feed. I can’t believe people are mad at the Tiger. First you cage up a Tiger, Bear or any other natural predator. Control when the animal eats. Parade potential food in front of the animal for your amusement and then get bent out of shape when an animal suddenly decides to attack a ringmaster?!?

    Just don’t blame the Tiger, Lions or Bear and don’t try to put them to sleep for attempting to take an unsupervised snack.

  5. R.Friday says:

    I can’t finish my PB&J sandwich now.

    Shout out to the white lady with the scooper I see walking her dog every morning on my way to work.

  6. Marvelous Mo says:


    I concur. The first thing I asked myself was “what did the fucktards do to the tiger?” They are predators, not domestic cats. They are built killing machines. They dwell and survive off of a fresh kill. You deny that and you get retaliation.

    About the dog shit in NYC,
    I don’t fuck with BK like that, I’m an uptown chick. The streets here are fuckin decorated with dogs and their brownies that are left all over the grass and sidewalk. You K.I.M. until the summer time comes and them brownies are baking on the sidewalk. Shit is rank, B. But you know what smells worse? Do you want to know what looks worse? The fucking people who own houses with a Rockwilder in their yard and leave them brownies chillin on the hot ass pavement. Rank ass odor coming from the yard…

    You can’t blame it all on the ninjas, Mamis & Papis play a part in this too.

  7. the_dallas says:

    russ the bus,
    I bet if you dry out George Clinton’s dookie like a brick of hash you will get riiiight!

  8. Amadeo says:

    Chris Rock had it…”that tiger didn’t go crazy, that tiger went tiger”

    Don’t let the white off though D. They baby them little lap dogs and let them run wild. Then people get mad at me when I threaten to punt them…I ain’t the dog whisperer…I yells.

  9. Man, we don’t buy those plastic bags. We recycle them shits from the store! Personally, I don’t have a dog cuz I don’t like the feeling of warm shit in my hand through a plastic bag, but respect to my fellow whiteys for pickin that shit up so it doesn’t wind up under ye olde 90’s.

  10. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Dallas, I am suprrised that you thought that crap came from a dog. This is the political season and what you saw is simply more droppings from the mouth of the candidates. Big E

  11. Gee says:

    After I stopped laughing, I remembered a turd that I “caught on tape” to send to you for future use. I buy them bags ( 50 on a roll for a buck) and can dispose of shitty stinky Pampers, clogs that I have to dig out of the drain and cat/dog poop. Don’t sleep people…I have even used them for barf bags at a summer party.

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