POLITRICKS 2008: Servicing Public Servants…


It’s a shame to me that I have to turn my thoughts away from my dysfunctional lust for sneakers to think about the dysfunctional lust of sneaky politicians.

If you haven’t heard or read the news already let me keep it simple. The New York governor, ELIOT SPITZER, was caught with his pants around his ankles, literally.

Shit is fucked the fuck up in the statehouse right now on several different levels. The steely public image of the governor is shattered. Mainly, because now there is this ironic hypocrisy factor. The governor came into office from the vantage point of a lawman who would shake the trees to vett out corruption and restore integrity to the governor’s mansion. SPITZER’s resume and reputation were unassailable. He had made his career on attacking the establishment and dismantling the entrenched, embedded old boy network from New York City to Albany.

This brought a lot of haters to SPITZER’s doorstep. Quiet as shit is kept I think that even people within the Democratric party were shook by SPITZER. His hard charging approach would turn over every stone and would stop at nothing, even if that meant throwing fellow party members under the bus. You have to walk easy once that becomes your reputation. I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if someone who had access to his ear set him up for this fall.

I certainly don’t excuse ELIOT SPITZER for his immoral actions, but they appear so sloppy and mismanaged I have to wonder who put this shit together. From his experience as the state attorney general, the governor knows how hot the phone lines are in these post-911 days. From his experience as the top state prosecutor he also knows about upscale escort services and how they operate. I’m not saying that he still wouldn’t avail himself of these services, but his movement should have been on some governor level shit.

This mess was hell’a sloppy like a KWAME KILPATRICK text message bundle. My opinion is that his own inner circle was infiltrated by the party machinery in order to remove him from office before he uncovered some big money shenanigans. Keep in mind that there is a culture of immorality that follows political power so believe that no one in elected office is vice free. I just think that ELIOT SPITZER had scared the shit out of a cabal of wealthy dudes and homeboy had to be given the political version of a ‘Ho Sit Down’.

33 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Servicing Public Servants…”

  1. Combat Jack says:

    Heard the news that Wall Street cats cheered when they heard the news of Spitzer’s demise.


  2. the_dallas says:

    ^ I imagine there is a video of day traders jumping up and dancing like that stock reel they showed of muslims the day the towers fell.

  3. infamouse says:

    Troopergate payback, it looks like.

  4. thoreauly77 says:

    spitzer is just a big dummy for getting busted. it would have been so easy to be slick with that on some concubine shit. dumbass.

  5. the_dallas says:

    I feel like Spitzer was on his way to blowing up some big money shit and niggas in the party machinery don’t take too kind to motherfuckers that stop they paper (example: JFK)

  6. 40 says:

    *distracted by the professional lady of leisure in the pic*

  7. Spitzer? More like Schtupzer. *my Jay Leno impression”

    Some guy on the radio was like “Maybe his wife will run for President in four years.”

  8. Cheryl Lynn says:

    If he could afford the services of prostitutes charging up to 5,000 dollars an hour, he had more than enough money to hop his ass on a plane and fly to a country where he could hire a sex worker legally.

  9. HipHopSince1986 says:

    shit he even coulda hopped his ass on a flight to nevada where it legal… Sshmart as politicians tryna get his nut off and make it back to wifey quick…

  10. HipHopSince1986 says:

    Oh and i got that street fight DVD in the mail today. Good lookin out dallas, ima watch that later when my girl get home

  11. Combat Jack says:

    ^ I imagine there is a video of day traders jumping up and dancing like that stock reel they showed of muslims the day the towers fell.


    Funny imagery!

  12. Maxine says:

    Oh God, they had his ass on a wire tap? OH GAWD! Client # 9…you are fucked.

  13. Maxine says:

    *asks the most important question*

    So since Spitzer’s a Super delegate and a Clinton supporter and he might get canned, where will David Paterson’s vote go?

  14. Lion XL says:

    see if he would have concentrated on keeping his election promises this shit wouldn’t of happened…like going in on those Rockefeller drug laws…..and he’s not thought of as being BLACK like Clinton, or MADE like Guiliani. He’s gonna be prosecuted.

  15. Candice says:

    And what’s up with the wives always standing there on stage while the disgraced husband apologizes?

    Eff that……he’d be onstage talking about my wife couldn’t be here today because she hates my guts, kicked me out of the house and is in the process of clearing out all of my bank accounts and burning all of my clothes.

    I wish my man would spend $5K on a ho when I’m sitting up in the crib. He was better off hitting up the cheap ladies under the bridge.

    Hmm…what would Mrs. Obama do?

  16. p-city says:

    Dallas –

    Why in the world did you happen to have the “pro leaning in car” photo in your library? Is that guy in the front seat wearing a Mets cap?

  17. the_dallas says:

    My Google images swagger is imperial (no Emperor’s Club).

  18. 40 says:

    Pro pics aside (is that her chest or a baggy shirt?!?!?), its pretty pathetic on a few counts.

    Conspiracies aside here’s a man who was caught doing the crimes he so vigorously prosecuted.

    Also its bad enough to get caught cheating, and its bad enough to get caught paying for it, but when those world collide on such a national level you’re proper fucked. (Pun kinda just happened.)

  19. Vee says:

    ^Dallas, I definitely agree that this may be karma or in fact planned to politically destroy Spitzer. After all D.C. is rife with prostitutes. After all, who gets caught with prostitutes?!? I’m wondering, was he set up or is he being set up for a fall, OR is this Princeton – Harvard Law Grad a superior smart-dumb MF’er who didn’t bother to watch one episode of the Wire?

    Note, he helped bust a prostitution ring back in 2004 and now in 2008 he gets busted while in office? It sounds really fishy, or once again . . . he was incredibly reckless and stupid.

    They were initially investigating wierd wire transfers he was making to a company called QAT which own the Emperors Club. So he was transfering money from his personal accounts and the Feds reportedly have several wire taps and emails. So how long was this going on? And why blow the whistle now?

    Curious, does any one think something else may be happening in the background? Or am I just overthinking this? Note the NYTimes was the first to “uncover” this story after they unsuccessfully tried to taint McCain’s campaign with sexual misconduct.

  20. Meka Soul says:

    you hear that a blind, black man is gonna take homie’s spot?

    i think i just saw a pig fly past my window just now.

  21. Maxine says:

    David Paterson’s from Harlem too ^^^^^^. Now we won’t be able to tell Jim Jones shit…not one thing.

  22. Amadeo says:

    Another chance for a Hip-Hop quote…Educated dumb niggas. I hope it is a set up just so I don’t have to know that after everything he got caught on some sloppy dumb shit…unless he’s got a coke habit, then it will make sense.

  23. the_dallas says:

    I’m on my ‘Ye Tudda ‘Cant Tell Me Nuthin’ ish that this was a simmering setup.

    That being said if sonn did fucks with the sneedles that would have been placed right on Front Street to utterly decimate his Dudley Do Right persona.

  24. p-city says:

    The crazy part is that a Republican has just been elevated to Lt. Gov.

    Let’s create a pool to see how long Governor “Bleeding Gums” Paterson makes it before he gets an indictment. My bet is on June-July.

  25. the_dallas says:

    No need to wager when Paterson’s head will get the guillotine since its NCAA Final Four time. Look out for the tourney pool registration drop in a day or so.

  26. 40 says:

    # Maxine Says:
    March 11th, 2008 at 3:20 pm

    David Paterson’s from Harlem too ^^^^^^. Now we won’t be able to tell Jim Jones shit…not one thing.

    ROFLMAO…. PATTERRRRRSSSSSSSOOOON!!!!! (in nasal Jones drawl)

  27. Tiffany says:

    News this evening is showing he’s spent more than 80K with this service.
    Dude may as well end it. He’s fucked!

    **Off topic** thought this was interesting…

  28. 40 says:


    Its a cheap rip off and not as intelligently done. Still nowhere as funny as the white original. Its almost the white version of Chappelle Show on the internets…

  29. the_dallas says:

    I fucks with Stuff Educated Black People Like. I wish Black people would get off CNN dick. Just ‘cuz them niggaz got an office in Atlanta.

    Colbay merc’ked the shit when he said,

    “Eliot Mess”

  30. Eliot Spitzer = James McNaulty

    People who work towards the greater good and give a dam …Are usually just as damaged or fucked up as everybody else ….

    Sometimes there flaws are far more spectacular

    I was really happy when eliot made it to office but anytime somebody fights for change. As hard as he did, they get taken out.

    Elliot will always be my boy for exposing all the payloa the labels were doing with radio stations and the fact that the same radio stations were not reporting the publishing owed to the artist.

    @ Tiffany

    That site is jacking my swag,,,,


  31. the last part cut off

    did you see the clip I sent you…

  32. the_dallas says:

    ^ did you send me the Save Ashley Flores e-mail?

  33. Resident Evil 5 trailer…

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