“Eff The Olympics In The A!” – ERNIE P

ernie movie

Not since the Olympics were held in Nazi Germany has the need for a total boycott of the 2008 Olympics been so powerful.

The Chinese have subjugated and tortured the Tibetan people, tried to crush their religion, raped and murdered their nuns and tortured and killed their children. At the same time they have been brutal in their repression of human rights of the Chinese people themselves.

How can you help in the boycott. Two ways:

  • 1) Active
  • 2) Passive
  • Active would entail writing letters to the media, your political elected officials and to the Olympic athletes, coaches and higher ups. Active would also entail something as simple as putting a sign in your window , car or porch saying “FREE TIBET”. It would also mean wearing a tee shirt with a powerful message. It would also entail rallies, protests and a boycott of any products advertised during the Olympics and letters to the sponsors letting them know Human Rights are more important than gold medals.

    Active would also only be limited by your imagination.

    Passive would entail passing this e-mail to a hundred friends and asking them to pass it on as well. It would also include not watching anything on television and speaking out to your friends and family. Television and sports have far too much importance in our current lives and boycotting these Olympics would free up valuable time we could spend as quality time with friends, families and loved ones.

    Lastly in my eyes the treatment, subjugation and colonization of the Tibetan people is a living mirror of the horrors visited onto Native Americans by the Europeans and the brutality of Apartheid in South Africa or the destruction in Palestine as well as racist Jim Crow laws and segregation right here in America.

    Remember the saying “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”


    – Ernie Paniccioli, author, lecturer, photographer, human being

    31 Responses to ““Eff The Olympics In The A!” – ERNIE P”

    1. Gee says:

      Poignant and do-able on all levels!

    2. Marvelous Mo says:


      Ernie done did it again!

    3. Aunt Jackie says:

      i am so glad to see this issued being raised in blogs…it is seriously concerning to me that somehow it’s not being taken as seriously as Paris Hilton’s shoe line!

    4. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      Big hug to Dallas (II). Thank you deeply. Just saw Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Prize winner on CNN in San Francisco leading the fight against these Olympics just as he led the fight against Apartheid in South Africa.
      The 2008 Olympic torch comes to the streets of San Francisco Wednesday, where it again faces protesters who seek to draw attention to China’s human rights record.

      But some activists vow that they won’t limit their displeasure to just Olympic representatives. They pledge to direct scrutiny on Lenovo, Samsung, Microsoft, and other Olympic sponsors such as Coca-Cola due to those companies’ official involvement in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

      However, despite human rights protests against China that have dogged the Olympic torch relay in Greece, France, and England (see video), sponsors appear committed to the torch relay and to the Olympic Games and have spoken very little publicly regarding the protests.

      Beijing Olympic Organizers Face PR Nightmare

      Samsung has said the most on the subject, stating that it remains committed to sponsoring the relay. “We understand there are concerns among consumers, customers, and even internally within Samsung,” said Louis Kim, a spokesman for Samsung in Seoul, according to an IDGNS news report. “Just like the spectators, we are trying to embrace the Olympic Games.”

      Some protesters say it’s not a love for the games, rather shrewd business interests that are behind corporate sponsorship of the Beijing Olympics.

      In all, 64 companies are either official partners, sponsors, or have exclusive contracts to supplying equipment to the Olympics. Lenovo even designed the official Beijing 2008 Olympic torch. By some estimates companies paid as much as $15 million each to sponsor the Olympic relay around the world.

      “Most Olympic sponsors are more concerned with future business with China than they are about China’s human rights track record,” says Ellen Freudenheim, spokesperson for Dream for Darfur, which is trying to raise awareness about Beijing’s policies toward the Darfur region of Sudan. Other activists are protesting against the Olympic torch relay to draw attention to China’s human rights record in Tibet and Burma and also China’s stance toward Falun Gong practitioners.

      Report Cards for Corporations

      Dream for Darfur has gone so far as to issue a “Darfur Olympic Sponsor Report Card (PDF)” in June grading the leading 19 Olympic sponsors on how much they’ve engaged in “silent complicity with the Darfur genocide.” Tech companies Microsoft, Panasonic, Samsung, and Lenovo each received an “F,” as did corporations in other business sectors.

      grades.jpg”The Beijing Olympics is being billed as a coming-out party for China to the world community,” Freudenheim says. “When these companies don’t, at the very least, inquire to China about its policies that impact the global community, they are doing the world a disservice.”

      The International Olympic Committee is one entity breaking the silence on the sensitive topics of human rights and the Beijing Olympics. According to an Associated Press report, IOC president Jacques Rogge said in a short speech in Beijing, “I’m very concerned with the international situation and what’s happening in Tibet.” He added, “The torch relay has been targeted. The International Olympic Committee has expressed its serious concern and calls for a rapid peaceful resolution in Tibet.”

      Some Tech Firms Have Faced Scrutiny for China Ties Before

      For years Yahoo, Microsoft, Cisco, and Google have had to face heavy criticism from human rights groups and Congress for helping the Chinese government censor and identify dissidents.

      Yahoo was singled out for giving Chinese authorities user information that helped to identify and then imprison two journalists (Shi Tao and Wang Xiaoning) in China. Google receives a large amount of criticism because its Chinese search engine, Google.cn, engages in self-censorship. The U.S. lawmakers berated Microsoft for removing from MSN Spaces a blog written by a Chinese journalist. Cisco has been criticized for helping the Chinese government block access to some Web sites by selling it network management equipment.

      This is excellent commentary. The Olympics are a farce and have been for many years. It’s nothing more than business dressed up as sport. The charade is only more evident due to it being held in China. What puzzles me is that the IOC didn’t consider the backlash when it awarded the Games. More comment from a PR perspective at http://theprlab.wordpress.com

    5. Maxine says:

      Amen! Free Tibet

    6. Candice says:

      Here Here…..a boycott is definitely in order. Thanks for bringing awareness to this issue Ernie. With your permission, I would like to re-post this on my blog (giving you credit, of course).

    7. the_dallas says:

      You ain’t gotta give Ernie no credit. He’s an American ,ative so he is used to having his swagger jacked.

      The only reason I give him credit is because he is ugly as hell and if he catches me on the streets he might try to bite my ear off like Mike Tyson.

    8. That’s right, Ernie! Get the word out. Go ahead. And thanks to Dallas for posting this.

      You know I’m behind you on this one.

      Free Tibet.
      Free Mumia (I hope everyone here has been keeping up with the latest in THAT case).
      Free Palestine.

    9. geneva_jones says:

      Dallas, did you peep this?


      Ralph Lauren is the official outfitter for the US team at this summer’s 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    10. Candice says:

      DP…you are so wrong…LOL

    11. dameSTAtus says:

      Ernie (or Dallas),

      I read an article about the whole Free Tibet movement, and basically they say China is Brolic/Gully as hell, and having the whole of hollywood and the beastie boys and san francisco on that public Free Tibet movement over the last 15 or so years, has actually STRENGTHENED the resolve of the Chinese Gov’t, and hence negatively affected the true tibetan people.

      Article misguided? DoTell..


    12. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      Dallas you calling me an ear biter? When I see you, you better cover your ears (II).
      Smile and thanks for sharing the truth with folks.
      Candice you may use my letter to spread freedom thank you.
      Ralph Lauren outfitter for the Olympics!. If we choose no other recourse than economic constraint they will feel it. Economics ended Apartheid in South Africa. Every Nation, every corporation, every bitch ass politician bows to the lack of income or the drying up of the cash stream. 300 million Americans don’t spend a dime on any 2008 Olympic crap and boycott those corporations that have no moral compass. They will run and cry like a wounded animal and think twice before ever supporting another repressive monolith. Ernie

    13. Combat Jack says:

      Great post Ernie. How’s the fam-a-lam? Your son as well.

    14. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      Jack, We are well and having a film screening on 4/26/08 at 6pm at Harlem’s State Office Building. check out http://www.ourgang62.com for details. My son? Still finding his way, Smile. Peace, Ernie

    15. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      The owners of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream helped make their voices heard for freedom by adding to the protest against the Olympic torch. Not all corporations are bastards. Support Ben & Jerry’s (plus their stuff taste good as pum pum, maybe even better). Ernie

    16. the_dallas says:

      Just be happy that ear biting >>> pillow biting

    17. 40 says:


      Thanks for making it plain about the reason for boycotting the Games. I had heard a smattering of stuff here and there but this made it plainer than a piece of Wonder Bread. Hopefully this wont be the concern du jour, or cause celebre or any other Frenchism, and the protest doesn’t end when the media event is over.

      And yes… Ben & Jerrys leaves steaming dung on Haagen-Daaz (except that dulce de leche)

    18. Ok Ok I will take the passive approach and that will be tough for me nonetheless. Because I cant resist watching Female Volleyball, them Brasilera’s have that THANG!

      Anyways new post homies, feel free to read up. Click name

      *passes Email*

    19. Marvelous Mo says:

      Yo D you’re an ass hat! Your ear biting comment had me rollin all day today! LMAO!

    20. Amadeo says:

      You know…if I don’t watch the Olympics it’ll be just like every other year for me.

    21. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      Just got my triple expresso and four energy drink jolt by watching the BBC. They report (CNN-MSNBS and FAUX FUX News did not report it yet) that one of the Olympic runners pulled a Tibetan flag out of their jacket. Whoever that was is my favorite sports figure since the 1968 protests at the Olympics by the 2 Black (and one White) medal winners.

    22. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      40 Says: I too hope it stays in the hearts and consciousness of humanity and does not fade with the headlines…….yet I am hopeful because this has caused global shock waves.
      And for the record I am not new to Tibetan affairs. I am the Director of of the Yungchen Lhamo Foundation which was created to provide artificial limbs for those Tibetan whose hands and feet are cut off by the Chinese soldiers for stealing food to eat or for trying to escape by fleeing over the Himalayan Mountains.
      Check out http://www.yungchenlhamo.com
      She also appears in my film “The Other Side of Hip Hop”
      Peace, Ernie

    23. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      Please Dallas Penn readers e-mail at least one of the proposed sponsors of the 2008 Chinese Olympics (or all of them if you have the time, energy and spirit)
      Samsung Public Relations can be reached at
      Tell them simply their support of the 2008 Olympics in China with China’s record on Human Rights violates their corporate pledge to be a good citizen of this planet or words to that effect. Make sure you tell them you, your family, church , friends, team, union will no longer buy their products if they do not withdraw as a sponsor. Peace, Ernie

    24. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      and if you want to tell the Coca Cola company they too are ill advised here is their e-mail (and believe me heat on sponsors translates into economic fear and response)

      Peace, Ernie

    25. I have only fucked with Ben and Jerrys for years now.

      *digs into a container of Cheesecake Brownie ice cream*

      Their Oatmeal Cookie flavor = the shiiiiiiiiit.
      And cinnamon bun.

      This is just an even better reason for me to eat more of it. Score!

    26. Mark Dub says:

      Excellencio post, Ernie. I will make sure to do my part and email both coke and samsung. Thanks for the links!

    27. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      please check out http://www.daveyd.com, not only was the torch bearer who showed a Tibetan flag a Black Woman, but drop dead beautiful and a genius from the Bronx.
      How can I say this with dignity and class?:
      Fuck The Olympics and their corporate sponsors and the brutality of governments around the world. Peace, Ernie

    28. Candice says:

      I STRONGLY co-sign with the Ambassador on that Oatmeal Cookie ice- cream. That and the Cherry Garcia. Ben and Jerry’s wins.

    29. Ernest Paniccioli says:

      Ben and Jerry’s politically conscious and good as a muffka.the sublime, spiritual Holy Grail when you have the munchies. Ernie

    30. BEsmirched says:

      It’s funny that none of the media outlet mention the Tibetian upriser are try to restore a slavery based feudal system. Before 1949, the “aguricultural salves” are sold as goods, just like an ox. they ran a class system similar to india – where ones “class” is pre-determined, strictly based on bloodline. on the top of totem pole are lamas, then royalties, warriors, peasent and slaves.
      Now, the slaves back then are now ruling tibet. the lamas and previllaged few either flet to other countries, or doing their “independent movement” thing. Most of them are in their 30s and never set foot in Tibet.

      but, credit where its due, daili lama is great. he is the best marketer since starbucks. with the backing of UK (who push for tibetian indepentcy in 1920s) he marketed himself as gundy the 2nd, instead of a slave owner. now if hillary can learn something from him, she might have a shot.


    31. BEsmirched says:

      support Tibet = support Slavery
      Take a stand

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