Eff Tibet In The A!


No disrespect is meant to my good friend ERNIE PANICCIOLI but I will have to dissent from the rest of you folks when it comes to boycotting the Beijing Olympiad.

What exactly has China done to you anyhoo? I don’t know too much about China, but I love going to Chinatown. I love being able to afford well-crafted counterfeit luxury items and I definitely love Chinese food.

I’m pretty sure I get to enjoy these things because China keeps their foot in Tibet’s ass. As a matter of fact, China is bankrolling our efforts to bail out the U.S. banking industry after they fucked up the money again.. Do you know what kind of lifestyle we would live if it weren’t for those friendly Chinese investors? I think it would make Hurricane Katrina look like a summer resort.

How crazy is it that we enjoy the American way of life on the backsweat of China’s poorest workers? I say eff Tibet in the ‘A’ if it keeps my gas under $4 a gallon and allows me to watch quality television programming like Miss Rap Supreme (premiering this Monday @ 10pm on Vh-1).

Plus, the main reason I don’t give a fuck about Tibet is because this looks like some of that stuff white people like.


White is always on some shit like they give a greater fuck. The animal zoo in Nuremberg(yeah, THAT Nuremberg) took this baby polar bear away from the mommy because they said they could raise it better. Meanwhile the zookeeper appears to be giving the bear a handjob.. This is the same exact reason why we are in a war in Iraq. White said we could do a better job for the Iraqis than their existing government. How many millions are dead and displaced and how many trillions have been wasted and misspent at this point?

And how the fuck do you know that Tibet doesn’t deserve an ass kicking anyhoo? I mean that for all we know Tibet could have brought this shit on itself. We all know how religions have gotten people’s asses kicked over the years. I’m not so sure those monks didn’t get out of pocket with the Chinese government by talking that ying yang. Literally. Someone prah’lee said “Ying Yang”. Y’all don’t here me though.

Lastly, I am leery to find moral indignation with any country especially since we are the ones that put more people in prison than any other industrialized nation. We have our jails filled to the gills with political prisoners and innocent people. With all of this commotion going on in San Franciso how come no one gave the San Francisco 8 a shout out? I think there used to be 9 of those fools but one died in jail. Free Tibet? Nahh my peoples, Free Mumia.

Check out your boy getting his moral indignation on by screaming on an Olympic supporter. This is the same coward that doesn’t say a peep when police brutality throws fifty bullets at a groom to be. Nahh man, y’all can keep that bullshit facade if you want. I say eff Tibet in the ‘A’.



34 Responses to “Eff Tibet In The A!”

  1. F says:

    “White is always on some shit like they give a greater fuck”

    Cosign this entire post.

  2. coqui says:


    I can’t even tell how sarcastic your being here, so I’ll just say that just because we were/are wronged doesn’t mean we should be indifferent to the suffering of others.

    Anyhoo, I know I’m not supposed to listen to NPR cuz that’s what white people do, but they had a show on a while ago where they had an official from the Olympics Committee on with someone in charge of a ‘free Tibet’ type organization. The Olympics are iller than AIDs, these fucks don’t give a shit what’s goin on as long as they get they knob shined by the city that wants to host them.

  3. Combat Jack says:


  4. tps12 says:

    Eh, most of the people in Chinatown are descended from immigrants from Hong Kong, and probably have little love for the PRC. And pardon me for not being grateful to anyone for bailing out the banking industry…

  5. the_dallas says:

    All I’m saying is that we can front and enjoy the view from our moral high horses because China is bankrolling our ECONOMY.

    I will be thanking Tibat for taking that asswhupping when I am at the liquor store cashing my ‘stimulus package’ check. What about you?

  6. Amadeo says:

    Hmm…how come I never see people screaming at school board officials, mayors and governors?

  7. F says:

    @ amadeo

    because people dont get that smug feeling of self-satisfaction from that. For the international-SUPERsmug, you have to let everyone in your peer group know that you are outraged about something non-white and therefore international. This cements your place as ‘world-conscious’ and therefore superior to those who concern themselves with piddly shit like decrepit public schools, the overflowing prison population, and the ridiculous murder rate in our communities.

    now if you will kindly excuse me, i’m taking my hybrid to the china protest in kc.

  8. I dont think I am getting a ‘stimulus package’. Is that some new Nike Dunks? Word is Bond fuck Humanity in the ‘A’ ….. I bet faggos are the main ones always crying about ish that isnt happening in their backyard, excluding Gay Violence of Course. Faggos dont care about the poverty stricken neighborhoods in the US. I have never met a broke Gay, Have You?

    Ohh shit I think I got a stimulus pack a few weeks ago, came in the form of a little blue pill right?

  9. let me find out white people like Polar Bears better than Grizzly’s because Polar Bears are white. SHIEETTTTTTTT

  10. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Dallas, When you see the report sitting on my desk that the General Tsu’s chicken you eat by the gallon is made out of dog’s dicks and that the Canal Street knockoff swag you buy for CS is loaded with Mercury you will be less kind to the heroic and stiff assed Glorious Leaders of The People’s Republic of China.
    Also when I send you photos of the people who have had hands or feet cut off for stealing food or trying to escape you will be just a tad less witty. And to this brother at least nothing, not the shit school syatem, not Tibet, not Oakland, not Darfur, not Brooklyn and it’s proposed stadium, not anything is “AN OVER THERE PROBLEM” when you declare yourself a citizen f the planet then you shed the nationalism that got our asses into this mud in the first place.

    And that dude yelling at the woman and said “I got the runs eating General Tso’s in your store beyattch” and that had nothing to do with Tibet. And her smiling answer was “Get your fat assed ugly white wife to cook for you from now on and hundreds of little puppies will still have their dicks attached”

  11. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    and yes Mr. Dallas why did you not post the photo I took of you on the flag at the pro Iraq rally?

  12. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    …………as Dallas rolls a fat one and smiles snidely and says “let me get on Ernie’s one good nerve and draw him in like a fly in a spider web”………….

    Eating all them Happy Duck Restaurant “chicken” wings has made Mr. Penn inscrutable

  13. coqui says:

    “All I’m saying is that we can front and enjoy the view from our moral high horses because China is bankrolling our ECONOMY.”

    I agree it’s dubious to talk a bunch of shit about China while they are holding up our economy, BUT wrong is still wrong. As far as I know, Tibet was minding it’s own business praying, not eating meat and generally being boring when China kicked in the door and put them on lock down. Now you won’t see me at a March or one of those fruity ass concerts, cuz terrible shit happens all over the world and I don’t have time to raise my voice for EVERY injustice. However, it doesn’t take much for our country to show we don’t approve of that shit. Actually, we don’t have to do anything: just don’t show up to the opening ceremony.

    I’m not with an entire boycott, these athletes train hard to be at the top of their game, and it would be pretty fucked up for someone to tell them to just go home instead of competing in something they’ve worked years for.

    It’s fucking Tibet. These people really don’t deserve the heartache China’s forcing on them. I’m not saying we gotta get in people’s faces like that cracker ass cracker in the picture, but we shouldn’t act like what’s going down in Tibet isn’t wrong.

  14. spider says:

    for all the talk about china and tibet (which will go on even past the memory of the beijing olympics) the PRC is playing the same game as the EU and the US.

    what does china gain from their stomping of tibetans? a smokescreen covering what they’re doing in darfur and the sudan region.

    and as far as the athletes who train to perform and excel, as of last month beijing still hasn’t managed to be consistent with clear city skies. shoot, they have enough pollutants in the air to make compulsive cigarette smoking a healthy alternative.

    overall, we’re ultimately pawns in a game that will eventually lead to another Reformation or a post apocalyptic future worse looking than LL Cool J’s video for “The Boomin’ System”



  15. LiSA says:

    ima join’em when i see sharpton.

  16. Tony says:

    Having given a shit and then not so much now . . . I have to say Dallas has the right perspective on this one.

  17. It’s also like the height of vanity and self-importance to now suddenly decide to boycott China and to do it in such a grandstanding way, After you know, we reaped the benefits of the interaction, helped them by buying their shit etc. we’re going to get mad on some symbolic Olympics thing….

  18. BEsmirched says:

    It’s funny that none of the media outlet mention the Tibetian upriser are try to restore a slavery based feudal system. Before 1949, the “aguricultural salves” are sold as goods, just like an ox. they ran a class system similar to india – where ones “class” is pre-determined, strictly based on bloodline. on the top of totem pole are lamas, then royalties, warriors, peasent and slaves.
    Now, the slaves back then are now ruling tibet. the lamas and previllaged few either flet to other countries, or doing their “independent movement” thing. Most of them are in their 30s and never set foot in Tibet.

    but, credit where its due, daili lama is great. he is the best marketer since starbucks. with the backing of UK (who push for tibetian indepentcy in 1920s) he marketed himself as gundy the 2nd, instead of a slave owner. now if hillary can learn something from him, she might have a shot.


  19. BEsmirched says:

    support tibet = support slavery
    Take a stand
    google “tibet class system” or “tibetian slavery”

  20. pruppert says:

    great post

  21. ADB says:

    The only reason this discussion has been brought to the front of peoples minds is the staging of the Olympics. Olympic boycotts are pretty much useless, Russia didn’t crumble in 1980. However, it’s not like China will not be vindicated or absolved by staging the Games, what is happening is exactly what was predicted when they were awarded the Games – exposure of what’s going on. The very call for the boycott, the protesting of the torch relay, etc leads to China being exposed, so keep the light on them. Walk away from the Games and guess what folks, the light is switched off.

  22. 40 says:

    I actually have to give it up to Dallas on this post, as much as I have to give it up for Ernie’s drop. I say that because its interesting in this media driven society what becomes the “FREE (blank)” movement of the moment. Usually these things don’t gain momentum because of the atrocities but which is the better story to run with. Case in point – while Negroes were ballyhooing to free the Jena 6 (in which two dudes have since been rearrested for whooping’ on spades) Genarlow Wilson rotted in jail because of some willing poon an antequated law. Bullshit, but the story wasn’t as sexy to the rank and file as Jena.

    What I get from Dallas’ wit here is not a disrespect for the problems of the Tibetan people, but the honest question/issue that people are facing of “Why should I give a fuck, better yet take on the battle cry for Tibet?” When as Flavor Flav said – “I got problems of my own!” Which in itself is not necessarily selfish but can be a reflection on our capacity for how many struggles can one take on when there are issues alot closer to you and haven’t been made a tshirt or bumper sticker or a .org website.

    I appreciate being educated about the travesties in Tibet and I’ll do what I can, however I think its “mighty white” when America gets sanctimonious about problems abroad when Baghdad will probably fare better than Baltimore. I hope Tibet is freed, I will definitely add it to my FREE! list along with Mumia, Supreme, Barry Bonds, Darfur, Florida Elections, and any other injustices.

  23. Amadeo says:

    Free the Hood!!!

  24. big rils says:

    You forgot free Remy Ma!

    for real though, I’ve always been a tad annoyed by all the Free Tibet stickers I saw growing up (my zip code was 02138), mainly because it seemed like people got so worked up over it as though it were the only cause worthy of attention. I’m echoing what some others have said here, but there are always unspeakable tragedies happening all over the world, but just because I can’t take the time out of my day to help you organize a Save Darfur rally, doesn’t mean I think the genocide should continue.

    I was a tad too young for the anti-apartheid movement (although I studied it in school), but to me that was the last truly international struggle. That was part of The Struggle, whereas these “Free” movements, while they are all small parts of The Struggle (along with better schools and the prison-industrial complex in this country), are often presented as though they represent it. Truth be told, Ernie gets it right when he says we need to identify as citizens of the world and place the freedom of all peoples on equal footing, but my problems are with the presentation of various movements as the be all and end all.

    Is the freedom of Tibetans > East Timoreans > Darfurians > Kurds > Jena 6 > Mumia > Child Sex Slaves > ?

  25. Vee says:

    Cosign 40.
    Add to the list of injustices, Elliot Spitzer has yet to go to jail for the White-Slave Traffic Act, legally known as the antequated Mann Act. 23 students were killed since September ’07 in Chicago, I dare say if it were in another neighborhood it would garner national attention. Although there’s a lot of biting and maybe offensive sarcasm displayed in this post, I get it and understand it.

    In the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today, my own government.”

    Before you begin to discuss or condemn China or Hugo Chavez . . . please shed the American* arrogance, as if there were no blemishes currently the U.S. global image and attitude towards human rights and welfare. (*Ernie, people will hold onto nationalism for a long time. It’s a social construct that works for the majority.)

    Brandon also raises a great point, why boycott China now? It begs the question, Is China’s treatment of protestors a new phenomenon?

  26. Maxine says:

    @Amadeo. COSIGN that shit! I was just walking through Brownsville (Brooklyn) and thought I was in fucking Baghdad or some shit.

    I completely agree with this post. I think that until they decide to hold the Olympics in Baltimore, ain’t nobody worryin about it. It’s what we in my hood like to call, Regular Oppression.

  27. I can see both sides of the argument. But personally, I’m a little more concerned about the state of America. Shit’s fucked up everywhere, but it seems kind of ignorant to step over helping your neighbors to help somebody who lives in another country.

    Also, how come no one ever talks about freeing Chi Ali? Chil Ali>Remy Ma.

  28. ^ignorant was the wrong word to use, but you get it.

  29. 911 says:

    Dallas vs Paniccioli
    Act: 162.

    I’mma side with Mr.Penn on this one. I’d venture to say it’s little colored babies that have it fucked the fuck up here in the segregated states of america, why not rally about their plight. Why the fuck am I supposed to be distressed about life abroad when life right fucking here becomes worse by the second. The world will always have problems. Until we fix our infrastructure the house we keep trying to build will continue to crumble.

  30. Enigmatik says:

    My name is Enigmatik and I approve of this post.

  31. dan says:

    “Meanwhile the zookeeper appears to be giving the bear a handjob.. This is the same exact reason why we are in a war in Iraq.”

    One of the funniest things I’ve read in a while…

  32. Chris says:

    I agree with this post as well.

  33. C says:

    Man, this is some ignorant shit. Just because the politburo in China is buying up U.S. debt doesn’t mean we can’t protest their murdering in Tibet. Are you F-ing stupid? China wouldn’t dare raise economic sanctions against the U.S. Even with our economy crashing like whoa we’re still the safest bet on the block.

    And your line about China being the reason we don’t have $4 gas… China IS the reason we have $4 gas… they’re buying more cars…

    Read a book. Turn off Fox News.

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