
I gotta come home tonight straight from the day job. I’m sick right now. When I was younger I could go in for an entire week. Nowadays I am usually undone by my first night, fuck a second consecutive night of obamas.

Check this site out called The Minority Report. That’s my homey AL DEEZY. He’ll plug you to all that shit that is young, fresh and clean. AL listed this obama at a sneaker store in SoHo called Premium Laces. Since I have never been there i thought I would fall through and see what the scene was like. Plus it was an obama. By the time I left my office I knew there would only be an hour or so left of the party. I got there just in time to tap off the last cup of Skyy vodka and cranberry juice.

The party was for the launch of some line of t-shirts. Yawn. If you are dreaming about starting a clothing line please set yourself on fire while you are asleep. The world does not need anymore printed t-shirts. BTW, if you are looking for some cheap tees I just copped some Polo Ralph Lauren joints at Syms for $10 cent apiece. ‘Nuff said. That spot was dead so I motivated along Spring Street to the westside to catch the Eighth Avenue line to the moviehouse. As I ambled along Spring Street I laughed at the Black kids on skateboards. The old man in me called them “cliché ass niggas”. I secretly wished I could still ride a skateboard.

The skate dudes went into the Von Dutch store and I heard loud music playing there definitely from a DJ setup. I walked past sonn with the list because y’all already know and through the door to see another obama in full swing with better looking people than the first one and no shortage of liquor either. The free hooch in this spot was called T2. It was a tequila with taurine (yipes!) from Holland. This must be the shit that they give you in Amsterdam to get you all fucked the fuck up so that they can cut out your pancreas and leave you bled the fuck up in a back alley.

Who came up with the idea to mix tequila with taurine, AND caffeine to boot? Is that shit even legal? I stole a bottle. Whoever is having a barbecue in NYC and invites me will get to taste this wild shit. I’m mixing in $2 worth of fresh limes with two quarts of PAUL NEWMAN’s Limeade and this T2 shit. I’m sure that furniture will be broken after we’re done. Oh shit, before I forget, my good friend ANITA BRYANT was up in this piece. She is part of the Sista Factory collective. Definitely fucks with them if you go in for J*Davey, Ledisi, RES and any sisters that do that smoothed out R & B.

Me and ANITA both noticed that there were clearly too many kids inside of the store drinking that T2 when they were only old enough for Tang. Damn you Von Dutch. This is what happens when a clothing company is washed up. They resort to plying kids with alcohol. I wonder what the inventory shrink will be like at the end of the night? Who the fuck cares? Von Dutch is only for 13yr old suburban chicks with Swarovski stones on their cell phones. I kept my shit moving with my bottle in my back pocket. Copped a slice from Famous Ben’s. I’m winning…


I almost gave away mye green variant Marvel Legends Hulk. I was just gonna mail it out to someone like eff it. I’m glad I kept it now. I mailed the Marvel Legends Colossus to my nigga from Start Snitching and instead of saying thanks that nigga was like “how much is Marvel paying you to give these out?” WTF?!? This is why I don’t fucks with Black people. Just white, and an occasional asian motherfucker. Start Snitching is still my peoples tho’. The Marvel Legends Colossus was going for $60 cent at the last comic con. The only thing about collectibles, and basically anything in general is that shit is only worth what someone is willing to spend on it.

*Still have the Beta Ray Bill / Loki package available if you want to copp*

The Incredible Hulk film was effing church. Combat Jack held back on his assessment. The shit about Hulk is that it wasn’t supposed to be the thrill ride that Iron Man was. The Hulk is on some sensitive, cerebral shit. Sonn is stuck walking around with a monster inside of him that can fuck up a decent wardrobe if shit pops off wrong. The story is about research scientists trying to keep the military from weaponizing their discoveries. The only problem is that the military has their hands in all kinds of shit and they won’t stop, because they can’t stop fucking up shit.

All the actors were sublime and no one was over the top. ROBERT DOWNEY Jr.’s cameo as Tony Stark was a bit extra. Marvel is going so hard right now with these film projects it almost makes the DC brand appear cartoonish even though they are live action. DC’s problem is essentially crafting movies that have a fidelity to the characters and actual storylines. Marvel stays winning because they play close attention to the connection and continuity of their comic books. Think about it, that’s why we were all gathered there in the theater at midnight on a schoolnight in the first place.

If you haven’t seen the new Hulk movie yet go do that this weekend. If you still haven’t seen ‘Iron Man’ yet then go bang your pinky toes with a ball peen hammer. Both of these movies, along with ‘Speed Racer’ have made this season one of the all-time illmatic cinematic summers. We haven’t even gotten to the July releases yet. I’m about to have an effing nerd attack. Best cameo in the Incredible Hulk was LOU FERRIGNO as the pizza loving security guard. STAN LEE’s was cool, but you gotta love big LOU. The audience definitely showed their love. You will too.

ESOTERIC, 7L and TERMANOLOGY – ‘Incredible Hulk Rap’

25 Responses to “THE EPITOME OF HARDBODY…”

  1. Terrorist Fist Jab says:

    Agree Marvel is killing it right now, but The Dark Knight might make fanboys [ll] forget that in a hurry.

    And I need to get me some of that T2 shit…

  2. Amadeo says:

    I loved the Bill Bixby props…via the shot and the theme music.

  3. Dart_Adams says:

    Marvel Studios is a monster right now. I did thoroughly enjoy the Incredible Hulk because it just got to the point. The Avengers is gonna be Nutso off the roof (no Above The Rim).

    Can we finally get the Luke Cage flick poppin’ off, Marvel? Killa Ramsey has rewritten it at least twice and Tyrese may be phased out in favor of Terry Crews I heard. It’s a mess right now. The Black Panther project has been in limbo since Wesley Snipes and Amen Ra Films were going into production after Blade: Trinity wrapped. Then the IRS showed up…you know the rest.


  4. Gee says:

    I loveS ,me some Marvel ComIcs and this is worth it!!!!

  5. jdotnicholas says:


    @DP: My DOOM fig is prominently chilling in the lab. I saw some other LEGENDS joints in the TJ Maxx for a sixer. Didn’t copp it because I didn’t want to go down that road again. . .

  6. Teh Ric says:

    You knew if there was enough Comic talk Id make another post.

    As for Norton-Hulk – I saw it and it was great. However I would still think that Iron Man is 1 right now.

    Dark Knight has all the potential in the world to be the best of the summer. But outside of that DC has nothing compared to Marvel right now. Marvel books are outselling DCs (Secret Invasion > Final Crisis), the toy isles is full of Hulk hands and Iron Mans (II), and we all are getting goosey for the idea of THE AVENGERS movie. Marvel is making murder happen right now and for me and the rest of my Comic Book peepz, we all NEED to give a ton of respek to the M.


  7. Sangano says:

    way doper than the first but what killed me was that they fucked up imo right off the bat!

    The opening sequence besides almost giving me an epileptic seizure also bastardized the Hulk origins.

    I thought the whole point of this flick was for Marvel to get right with the Hulkster! As a tru comic book head from back in the day Origins mean everything and although the film was enjoyable it seriously messed it up for me.

    Like what if they made a Spiderman and he got his powers from letting his nuts dangle on a toilet that the hulk took a radioactive dump in?! … kinda changes things.

  8. the_dallas says:

    ^ Secada,
    Good point about origins. I think fidelity to the OG characters is extremely important but Marvel represented in that we know this was a U.S. Arrmy experiment gone awry. True, the real reason that Bruce Banner became the Hulk was an accident and not a self-inflicted experiment as the movie describes, I wasn’t mad at Marvel for their description of Thunderbolt Ross as a conniving military man bent on saving his career.

  9. Combat Jack says:

    Always rocked with Marvel, but if ever DC decides to copycat and actually drive their own movies, it’d be interesting to see.

    Different subject. Always thought Michael Jai White, the brother who played Soawn wouldve made a GREAT Black superhero. Choose one, Luke Cage, T’Challa, Cyborg. Maybe be past his prime, and if so, a damn waste of potential talent. [||], just in case.

  10. Sangano says:

    tru….just too idealistic on my part…sometimes it kills me when i feel that studios or most often directors just decide to do shit different just because….like….i could stick to the OGness but i’d rather leave my fucked up imprint on it…

    ie. that fuckboy who did Transformers.

  11. Amadeo says:

    As far as origins…I hear not staying true…but in the sixties all you had to do was have an explosion and radiation and boom…instant superhero. People know enough for that not to play anymore. Hell even in the book they tie the Hulk to Banners abuse and dysfunction.

    On the other end they did mention that the problem was military intentions vs. what Banner thought he was doing, hence experimenting on himself = all hell breaking loose. Still an accident cause he didn’t have all the facts and a semi tie in to Ultimates where the Hulk was a result of trying to make a bunch of Captain America’s. Same with Spiderman…genetic experiments vs. radioactive spider. Marvel actually had a book (name escapes me) where they looked at those origins from a realistic standpoint and alot of heroes died before anything could happen.
    Spidey – radiation poisoning
    Wolvie – died from toxins released from the Adamantium

    I like nostalgia, but I don’t mine slight tweaks to make things more realistic.

  12. Amadeo says:

    I can’t defend the Transformers Fuckboy…at all.

  13. the_dallas says:

    Yo, I totally forgot about the Transformers flick from earlier this year. I think the Transformers franchise has a lot of potential. I am penning a Transformers story that has Prime and Megatron as brothers on some Cain and Abel type shit. Maybe Hollywood will buy that shit from me. Thye’ll prA’li just steal it though.

  14. wilson says:

    i believe i have the series you are describing; it’s called RUINS and the protagonist in the story is the same as in the Alex Ross painted MARVELS.
    In RUINS, the illustrations of what happened to the Hulk and Magneto are surreal in its fucked-up-ness.

    Combat Jack:
    didn’t michael jai white play al simmons in the spawn movie? i believe so

    Teh Ric:
    Jules Winnifield with an eyepatch= yesssss!
    is marvel really bringing the ultimates to the big screen? it might complicate captain america if they are to make a solo movie for him

    I got the Dark Knight Mixtape with Helena Wayne standing erect (no porno)
    sounds sweet. thanks

  15. the_dallas says:

    ^ That’s how we do in these parts

    [ll] to the “sweet” sounds of Gotham’s underbelly

  16. Teh Ric says:


    The ideas Ive been hearing and reading on all the major nerd resources (ie – my friends at the local comicbookary) have said that 2010 is the date for the AVENGERS/ULTIMATES movie.

    Which right now is going to be Hulk/Iron Man/Cap Am/Ant-Man/??? Not 100% after that maybe Thor/Wasp/ or if I ruled the world (/fugees) Wolverine and Spidey.

  17. Sangano says:

    This is TOOO Perfect – Ima be known as the Secada Method in a minute…

    Peep this interview I just saw on MissInfo where Method Man breaksdown the importance of storyline/origins – Amadeo I see you but it just can’t be done better than the books, fuck realism this shits been imbedded into our 9 yr old imaginations!!! I’ll take that over shitty real life anyday….

    Mag: As a big fan, what do you think of all the comic-book movies this summer? You mentioned Iron Man, there’s the new Incredible Hulk…

    Meth: I think they’re prostituting the game. I won’t mention any names, because some of these studios I’m planning on working with in the future. But it’s like they sacrifice storyline for time and seats in the movie theater, you know? If you’re trying to appeal to 13-year-olds and 12-year-olds, that’s cool — make a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! Which they did, and I liked that movie. But the real fanboys, we’re Generation X-ers. We’re in our mid-to-late 30s now. And we’re not going to sit there — knowing the origin of our favorite comic-book hero — and see it butchered and spit out there 15 minutes into the film.


  18. the_dallas says:

    You cant argue with Meth on those points but he needs to be specific or keep his mouth shut.

    I’m tired of people that make profound generalizations. Speak your mind so that your words have context.

    Marvel’s movies have been extraordinary to say the least. Even that storyline bastardization of SpiderMan 3 was enjoyable enough to merit a second watch.

    My problem is when the studios contract a writer who isn’t a fanboy. That’s when you get a Superman Returns type abortion where the main character is written out of character.

    If you want to say that the Incredible Hulk takes some liberties with the origin of the character then fine, but the movie represents the comic book Hulk to the fullest in that a) the Hulk is the ultimate loner, b) Betty Ross is the love of his life (Hulk/Bruce Banner).

    In a nutshell that is the Hulk.

    Did you peep how they also altered the origin of the Leader? Sonn was borderline retahded before he caught the gamma juice on his cap that made his brain all ginormous. This new Leader is starting out as a top shelf biologist. Just imagine how smart he will become?

  19. Sangano says:

    i caught that about the Leader too…movie was good, just the origin threw me off…but then again its not like i didnt expect it

    also I keep hearing of major beef between Edward Norton and the Director/Studio due to editing. On some type of he trying to tear the movie down!

  20. the_dallas says:

    Combat Jack said that Ed Norton was a major dewsh so I’m not surprised

  21. Amadeo says:

    Actually Norton is a Hulk stan…most cats say “they gave me some books to check out”…dude was naming his favorite writers and plot lines from the Hulk. From what I see between the lines dude was trying to make sure this wasn’t another Ang Lee.

    I do know that he does want influence on the movies he’s in and since I’ve watched Hip-Hop go where it has…I can’t really blame him.

  22. Combat Jack says:

    Not mad at story-line re-ashes, as long as they work. Peter Parker manufacturing web-slinging wrist gadjets as per the comic book is just plain stoopid. Can u imagine dude running around with skintights and bulging [||] wrists? Same w/ X-Men. Cannot imagine a growling grown man running at me with hand claws and a YELLOW spandex jumpsuit EVAH looking threatening!

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