Saving The Earth… But For Whom?


At the G-8 Summit in Japan the world’s wealthiest nations have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by the year 2050. The first thing that came to my mind was that these countries were really cooking up a plan to cut the world’s population in half. That would certainly reduce emissions.

Richest Nations Pledge to Halve Greenhouse Gas

I can remember when the current presidential administration used scientists to claim that there was no such thing as global warming, and that the air at Ground Zero was safe.

Psyche! Hahaha.

Like anyone able to read the NYTimes now will be thinking about this shit in 2050.

By then robots will be running the planet thanks to SkyNet.

Which reminds me…

Anyone know when the next season of the ‘Sarah Connor Chronicles‘ kicks off?

12 Responses to “Saving The Earth… But For Whom?”

  1. TB4 says:

    2050? Why not 2036 or earlier than that? I have a feeling that they just chose any year that came to mind.

  2. Teh Ric says:

    Awesome by the time Im fixing to turn 80 this world should finally be livable…well at least my grandkids should be alright.

  3. Vee says:

    Here’s something I’m sure you will like, but probably never heard about.
    Meat is a Global Warming issue.
    Google the phrase “meat global warming”
    It’s responsible for more harmful emissions than cars, not to mention deforestation and tied to the world hunger issue.

    I’ll probably do a post about the issue myself. Yeah, I know . . . meat eaters stay winning.

  4. Amadeo says:

    I like how they always resolve to fix a problem 40 or 50 years down the road. I’m going to try that at work.

    “I’ll get right on that….we should have it resolved by 2020…so ask whoever works here then to update you.”

  5. Dart_Adams says:

    Son, you saw “Total Recall” right? Even seen any of the Captain Harlock series’? All the poor people are stuck on a fucked up planet while the rich try to get their kicks in space Wall-E style.

    Reminds me of a couple of screenplays I wrote back in the late 90’s.


  6. P-Matik says:

    “Here’s something I’m sure you will like, but probably never heard about.
    Meat is a Global Warming issue.”

    Not to harp on it, but it is more than a global warming issue, it’s a water and pollution issue. You ain’t gonna get most people to stop effing with cows though. Them fools down south are never gonna let that pig go eithe, no matter how many limbs get amputated from diabetes.

    I do my part though. I recycle and pork, beef, and chicken left my fork about ten years ago.

  7. the_dallas says:

    Great, let’s save the Earth so that the people with all the capital and land can bequeath that shit to their kids and Brooklyn can get even more gentrified.

    I say we should let humankind be removed from the planet like the cancer that we are.

    Maybe some alien race will come here and snack on us like we were a shrimp harvest.

  8. 40 says:

    If you wanna wipe out it out along with my debt then go ahead. But if I’m back in the black give me some time to enjoy my new found solvency!!!!

  9. Lion XL says:

    I think the vegetarians are causing global warning, if some of them would just shut the eff up about how bad it is to eat meat, maybe less of that hot ass gas would stop leaving their mouths and killing the atmosphere… not mention that hot ass gas from their ass from eating all them veggies…..

  10. Jaislayer says:

    How is cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by the year 2050 going to help us now. These people are crazy to think they can save the planet. As George Carlin would say “The planet is fine. The people are fucked.”

  11. Vee says:

    Remember what Agent Smith told Morpheus, “You’re like a virus.”

    The earth will make some corrections, its the people that will be f*cked. No doubt . . . R.I.P. Carlin.

    ^Lion XL, its not that eating meat is wrong or bad. Personally, I could care less of what people put into their bodies. It’s the livestock industry that’s going haywire. The amount of grains being used to quickly fatten cows could be used to help many starving people. The U.S just recently sent grains to aid Korea! The pollutants contaminating the environment is another issue altogether, and there’s deforestation, blah, blah, blah – ad nauseum.

    A long time ago I decided to stop discussing health related issues with some folks because for many it is an emotional issue that people defend. They often throw veggies under the bus. And I’m not vegan or a vegetarian. But I’m amazed when some of these folks bodies begins to deteriorate at early ages. They don’t make the connection, simply cough it up to getting older and don’t take preventative measures. High blood pressure before you hit 30 is not a good look.

    Oh yeah, I recently discovered that Al Gore wrote about the livestock industry connection with global warming but decided not to include that angle into his award winning film. Maybe because meat and global warming (not to mention people starving from hunger) is a very inconvenient truth.

    . . . Cats ain’t trying to save the planet, recently reported world leaders ate an 18-course meal while discussing global hunger crisis.–world-leaders-enjoy-18-course-banquet-discuss-solve-global-food-crisis.html

    OK, I’ll fall back. Sorry about the long soap-box.

  12. Damn Dallas. I thought I’d never encounter anybody as pessimistic as myself, but you’re definitely giving me a run for my money.

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