Flying Is For The Birds…


The airlines are getting on some nickel and dime bullshit.

What’s next?

To still afford a plane ticket is fools gonna have to run on a hamster wheel to get enough power for takeoff?!?

5 Responses to “Flying Is For The Birds…”

  1. Marvelous Mo says:


    there are too many people on this damn continent anyway. is the US trying to make it impossible for us (first generation or just us regular folk who lived here all our lives) to enjoy living here so that we can relocate to another continent? no, not another country, another continent!

    it’s easy to tell a nigga who almost got his head blown off from 8 year olds with machine guns to live here in the US and control their every move. people like that are just glad they can live in peace and provide for their family. most of us US folk know the real deal…with chips being installed into infants, shitty healthcare for lower class and even middle class, getting beat up by cops for riding a bike…we here bitchin and complaining…

    so the gov’t is like “aight, yall want to complain? you’re coming from NY? how about you sit on this runway for 8 hours. and NO you’re not getting any food!

    Hey you from Kentucky, how would you like to fly to Cali with no pretelz?

    You want to over pack? Fly my airline, you know we got you… oh by the way, each one of your 10 bags cost $15 on the spot to load on the plane…EACH.

    you give an alien some money and some property and he isn’t trying to go anywhere! nigga is staying put selling us quater waters and Utz chips. or they are staying open extra late so we can pick up 6 chicken wings for 2 dollars (harlem). or they are training their brother how to do a mean manicure so he can collect his paper with that tip money. and if you go to certain places in manhattan, he will massage your shoulders too so you can give him an extra 2 bucks!

    US stays losing.

  2. henry says:

    maybe but i still wouldnt go to any other place.

    to dallas- damn i didnt know u had that much history, i always though u just walked around making funny short movies with rafi

  3. ADB says:

    The airline industry across the world is suffering. No airlines have any money, whether it’s charging for checking in bags or fixing prices, they are doing everything to survive. US Airlines are all pretty f*cked, check this out:

  4. Ugh, I’ll be on a plane across the country on Friday, and I’m dreading those checked baggage charges. I’m going to cram as much as possible into carry on sized bags. I may have to look busted and wear the same shoes every day regardless of if they match my outfit or something this trip for the sake of saving $.


  5. R. Diddy says:

    Man I fucks with carrying all my shit on, if possible..i know for a fact they snoop through mufuckas shit that place their bags underneath..the worst shit be when they call you out of the security check point under a “random full search” or whatever politically correct ish they have it listed under…Man (nhjic and no(mj)jnc) I got groped so wrongly by some old fart working with delta i might as well got checked for prostate cancer…now, YOU WANNA CHARGE ME FOR SOME WATER!!!! Man, whatever happened to those super turbo trains and shit we used to hear about in the 90s?

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