POLITRICKS 2008: The Gloves Are Coming Off…


Peep this website. NOW!!!

Keating Economics

15 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: The Gloves Are Coming Off…”

  1. Maxine says:

    Wow. Shots motherfucking fired.

  2. OCTOBER SURPRISE coming right up………………………….

  3. McSame/GILF PalInsane focus on lying Swift-boat level negative attacks, but Obama/Biden never fight back.

    I guess Obama is an authentic Christian, he’s turning the other cheek.

    The problem is, that might lose him the election.

    I really wish Obama would at least allow some WCs, like MoveOn.org to REALLY GO IN negative on the corruption of McCain & Palin. At least the part about McSame divorcing his crippled 1st wife who stayed faithful to McSame for 5 years when McSame was in the Nam prison. The difference is Obama’s WCs just need to tell the truth, whereas the McSame Swift-boating of Obama is 90% lies.

  4. Big Homie says:

    McCain looks like he is going to have a heart attack

  5. Vee says:

    This is the closest offensive move I’ve seen from the Obama campaign. Fortunately they really don’t have to do much thanks in part to Sarah Palin. All she has to do is continue to talk without straight from her heart without restraints. And McCain will continue to offer a few factual blunders himself.

    Note, the Obama campaign is also guilty of stretching truths a little bit themselves when you check the facts.

    By most polls, Obama is leading on all fronts. I’m all for McCain not getting into office. Notwithstanding any major political gaffes, I think Barack Obama can simply slide safely into November 4th. As long as there’s nothing new that will sway the public as some pundits are claiming, this race is over. Reverend Wright and Ayers is old news. The economy, the Invasion/Occupation of Iraq is still front and center.

  6. Candice says:

    I have been waiting for the “Keating 5” issues to be brought up. They saved their Trump Card.

    McCain was a part of the case that ushered in the Savings and Loan crisis of the 90’s. And now he’s tryingto tell folks that he can be the Maverick that can rescue the economy?

    It’s about time the Obama camp started to fight. That Keating 5 issue plus Palingate=Victory

    Just make sure you get your azzes to the polls.

  7. 40 says:

    Great move by the Barackafellas… If you peep also on that site there’s a link in the bottom to a site called JohnMcCainRecord.com. This was a good offensive move by a party who’s usually to bitchmade to swing a punch…

    The above graphic can be found on shirts at http://www.mightyhealthynyc.com/store

  8. J™ says:

    Maaaaaaan, funk this shit.

    What an election. We get to chose from continuing failed Bush policies or turning America into The People’s Socialist Republic of the United States.

    And if you didn’t know about the Keating 5 by now, you need to step your politricks game up. This shit is such a fucking circus, and it will stay that way as long as we are rocking a two party system. I mean, how the hell Barry going to fix the economy when passing bailouts(that seems to be working real well), promising healthcare, wanting to cut the principle on loans people shouldn’t have got into in the first place that’s we’ll also be paying for? Then dude talks “change” while supporting FISA(domestic spying for those that weren’t up on their Keating game either).

    Don’t get me started on McCain and whatever that is he calls a running mate. You would have to be crazy giving that lady a second thought about running our country.

    I swear for God this election shit is turning into some MTV TRL shit. This is what were left with when spend more time worrying about Paris Hilton than what’s going down in Washington.

    I’m not trying to be insulting to anybody. My mind is just blown, watching this shit go down.

  9. ^Obama is not a socialist by any means, calling US Democratic party politicians “socialist” is a tired illogical ReThug talking point.

    Check this article & graph about how US politrickians rank on the 2-axis political spectrum

    The article claims that, compared to other peer rich democracies like Canada/UK/France/etc, Obama is a “moderate conservative”, & Nader/McKinney are “mainstream social democrats”. This dude Brian Moore is the actual US socialist. Obama is actually closer on the spectrum to McSame, than he is to Moore. One could say that McSame/Palin & Moore are the real extremists, Obama is more centrist.

    Perhaps progressives should start labeling all Republicans as fascists. Actually, since the definition of fascism is the merger of Big Corporations with Big Government, many Republicans could be considered fascists.

    BTW, the social democracy countries in Scandinavia, have a per capita GDP that beats the US (eg, they’re richer than us), while also having universal health care & university education. They have a longer lifespan, & are ahead of the USA at creating the infrastructure for plug-in electric cars. They have their share of world class corporations like Nokia.

    Social democracy (Scandinavia) != socialism (Cuba)

    These facts will cause headaches for inane talking point-based ReThug simpletons.

  10. J™ says:

    Are you trying to imply that I’m a Republican? LOL Hmmm, a Republican that is against the Iraq war, gives a fuck either way about gay marriage, doesn’t believe he should have a voice on the topic of abortion, thinks we should make it easier for immigrants to become a legal citizen of the U.S…. Do I need to keep going, or are you always going to assume I must be a Republican because I don’t agree with Obama, never mind the fact I can’t stand McCain either?


    So, you’re seriously saying that a Democrat ran Congress bailing out and taking ownership of banks is not socialism, Cuba style socialism even? Really?… You can’t just tie that to Republicans. Sorry, wholeme, as much as it hurts, both parties are equally at fault.

    And your comparison to Scandinavia is laughable. Do they support a standing army even a quarter size of ours? Is their government entrenched in a marriage with the military and prison industrial complexes? Do they allow people and corporations/banks to get involved in loans they shouldn’t be involved in? Are they involved in illegal wars? Are the fighting a fake ass war on drugs? Are you really comparing infrastructures too? Are they 10 trillion in debt?

    These real facts and questions will give partisan hacks headaches

  11. ^I did not call you a Republican. I said that “calling US Democratic party politicians “socialist” is a tired illogical ReThug talking point.”

    1 thing I agree with you on, is that Investment Bank Corporate Welfare Whore bailout, was a bipartisan closter-fock. Demand drives the economy, not supply. Bailing out banks is more supply side Reagan “voodoo economics” (c) GHW Bush Sr. Trickle down economics does not work. A demand-base solution, for example, would allow mortgage payers to pay rent on their homes for 1-2 yr period

    I am not a partisan hack myself, I ether Dems plenty, read my comments on this blog. A partisan hack does not refer to Joe Biden as “Joe Bitchmade Biden”

  12. the_dallas says:

    Easy fellas, politricks starts fights in the intellectual playground and I love polysyllabic ethering as much as anybody else, but the truth is that Obama’s politics are as Clintonian centrist as the OG Billy C.

    My biggest problem with McCain is that he has no center or moral base. Dude will say anything.

    The bailout is the least of our problems in a way especially if the Euro and Asian markets keep skidding. We could end up in the new millenium bronze age where our labor is our currency.

  13. yep and i tolsd folk that bail out wouldnt work all it is is Rearranging the furniture

  14. 40 says:

    “We could end up in the new millenium bronze age where our labor is our currency.”

    True indeed.

    Its why I keep my physicals as sharp as my mentals. I case I have to go break rocks, break necks, or strip over at Chunkendales for a living. No matter what I’m prepared. Stay chiseled.

  15. Lion XL says:

    This whole bailout thing issorta like puttin’on a rubber after the that crack bitch gave you brains….but wouldn’t you rather make yourself beleive it’s safer than going in raw?

    Realistically, it was the only ooption, we don’t enough REAL products to save our asses from this mess. All we truly have to barter with is our paper, so once our paper became worthless, which it is, we lose our ability to trade on the same level as other countries. And trade is the only real thing can bring our economy back. Did anyone notice the ripple effect we had across the globe this week? The real problem is that the trickonomists didn’t (or chose not to) see this coming.

    Deregulation and the “REAL ESTATE” boom is at fault here, and that was in making way longer than barack was began running for president. Alot this BS started wth us Dems, and our week policies (carter admin anyone?). Which has just grwn and festered under other administrations that did’nt have the ballsack’s to put an end to it, or were to busytryin to get their peice their damn selves.

    I’m all for profits, and earnin’ you worth, but when you have to use trickery and deciept to get there, eventuall it will all fall down.

    And let’s be clear, the dems nor the pubs wanted this bailout, but it is needed. Else, like d says ‘We could end up in the new millenium bronze age where our labor is our currency’.

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