black lightning

Chopping it up with Clark Kent has got me on my sneaker fiend x superhero grind something serious. If you recall I did a series of NIKE iD’s that were reminiscing on some classic DC Comics heroes and villains.

Lex Luthor (I haven’t posted these joints yet)

If you wanted to see a Black superhero in DC Comics there was pretty slim pickings. They did have one Black dude though and they named him Black Lightning too.

Just in case some white dude showed up with the same power Black Lightning would have to move his ass to the back of the proverbial superhero bus. The Black Lightning books were always getting canceled after only a few issues.

And then when he would try to make a comeback someone would have his costume on

black lightning

I came up on these Air Max Terra 90’s at Dr.Jay’s Fordham for a little less than MSRP. I had to have these joints. I love Air Max platforms and the blue and yellow/gold colorway is how Blu Cheez loves to rep this thing.

They are really a premium shoe. The leather is exceptional and the construction is supreme. This is an affordable high-end general release sneaker and if you can come up on a pair I suggest you do so.

black lightning

black lightning

black lightning

Oh joy! The Black Lightning character is getting a new mini-series released in a few weeks. I will put that inside the box with my shoes.

Here’s an SNL video clip featuring Black Lightning a.k.a. the Black superhero that nobody knows.

Funeral For a Friend. Superman s Funeral.

14 Responses to “SNEAKER FIENDS UNITE!”

  1. Remember Black Vulcan from Superfriends? He was among the token characters they had like Apache Chief and Samurai.

  2. Oh…and the kicks are dope. You’re the king of comic kicks.

  3. the_dallas says:

    Black Vulcan was Black Lightning. I thought that he switched up his pitch for Super Friends to get on TV. Sonn had teh gheyest superhero costume evar and that is saying alot for superhero costumes (Robin anyone?)

    I always wondered why dudes were called Black whatever as if there was a white one first and no one wanted to confuse the two. Sheeeeit, if you only got one Black dude down with the Super Friends you know they call him a nigger when he is out on assignment.

  4. Robbie says:

    “You’re the king of comic kicks. ”

    I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing. Comic book kicks maybe?

  5. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Dallas, Back in the day they had a thing called “Brothers of The Sword” and one of the brothers was Black one was blonde and White.
    I think it was DC comics. I collected comics from 1955 until 1965 when I went into the Navy. Came home from war to find out my two knucklehead brothers has gave them away. They said they traded the “old” ones for new ones. And that is a true and painful story. Ernie

  6. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    instead I think it was “Brothers of The Spear”. Ernie

  7. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Brothers of the Spear

    Original Medium: Comic books

    Published by: Dell Comics

    First Appeared: 1951

    Creators: Gaylord DuBois (writer) and Jesse Marsh (artist)

    image: © Western Printing.

    More Cartoons by Dell Comics

    These days, stories in which black and white adventurers treat each other as equals are such a familiar sight, they’re scarcely even noticed. But a half-century ago, they were quite rare. The first such series in American comic books, however, was as little commented-on at the time as it would be today. That’s probably because it ran unobtrusively in the rear of another hero’s comic. But it was a very well circulated comic, and the feature ran there for a long time.

    The Dell comic book based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Tarzan began in 1948. Postal regulations made it necessary that at least a few pages be devoted to features other than the one on the cover, so the back pages of Tarzan ran series such as “Mabu”, “Two Against the Jungle” and “Boy” (the movie name of Tarzan’s son, Korak). In the 25th issue (October, 1951), they hit on a winner with “Brothers of the Spear”, which ran more than a quarter of a century and featured the first professional work of cartoonist Russ Manning.
    The series was created by writer Gaylord DuBois, one of the most prolific scripters in the history of comic books, and artist Jesse Marsh, whose highly stylized work was seen throughout the Dell line. They’d been the creative team on the Tarzan title almost since it began. The first episode occupied a mere six pages, but it launched a serialized story that eventually grew to epic proportions.

    Dan-El and Natongo, who took an oath of brotherhood at the very beginning, were both kings by right, whose thrones had been usurped. Restoring Dan-El in the kingdom of Aba-Zulu and Natongo in Tungelu occupied the first couple of years of the series. By the time it was done, both were married, Dan-El to the beautiful Tavane and Natongo to the equally beautiful Zulena. But neither affairs of state nor family duties had any effect on their love of adventure, and they had many more, one running smoothly into the next, over a period of years.

    It was in the 39th issue (December, 1952) that Russ Manning, then a newcomer to the field, took over the art. His graceful, open linework made him a favorite among readers and editors alike, and his work appeared in dozens of Dell comics during the next several years — not just in TV and movie adaptations such as 77 Sunset Strip and Disney’s Pollyana, but also (after most Dell titles were transferred to Gold Key Comics) his own Magnus, Robot Fighter. Manning stayed with “Brothers of the Spear” for the rest of its continuous run in the back pages of Tarzan, which lasted until 1966.

  8. king blair says:

    Dallas you should do a post on that Wack Ass DRE track that leaked offa Detox if that is what I waited 10 years for he can keep that shit. No wonder he keeps pushing that shit back resently Aftermath been leaking a lot of weak shit. That Em song sucked worse than Kim on that Biggie skit. Em last album was trash he has lost the GLOW its time to trow it in

  9. king blair says:

    And check out JLA for your Black Lightning fix he getting in up in that piece

  10. CeeZDieM says:

    I loved this sketch back in the day.

    “Hulk… not good with words…. Hulk.. write it down”
    (Puts on reading glass, takes a deep breath)
    “Superman was that rarest of things…….”

  11. Mark Dub says:

    YOOOO….DALLAS…I have been looking for that sketch online for YEARS!!! Thanks for posting it, brother.

  12. Che Guerrilla says:

    Dallas you made my day with this one. Fuckin bonkers. This is in my SNL top5 with “Choppin Broccoli” and “Dick in a Box”

  13. Dart_Adams says:

    As an aside, today on the Brave And The Bold cartoon Batman teamed with The Outsiders and Black Lightning was rocking a hoodie.


  14. coqui says:

    While we talking about black heroes:

    Mr. Terrific is the shit.

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