Shadow Clones And Invisible Men…


Just when you thought that America’s deep-seeded and institutionalized racism was the worst on our planet we get reminded of the people who popped that ‘Us vs. Them’ thing off when it comes to ethnicity and skin color.

The British society has been more mentally brutal and oppressive in the lives of the ‘other’ than any government you might imagine. Moreso than even the Dutch, who were just generally brutal to everyone that wasn’t Dutch.

The Brits created a fierce desire in their subjects to attain nationality, no matter what the cost. Here in America we have soldiers from Mexico and Ecuador fighting for us but they know that their families will receive a few pesos when they die.

The ‘other’ that soldiers for Britain does so out of a sense of faux-nationalism that somehow their sacrifice will make England stronger. Ain’t that a blip from Blipsburg? People getting their asses shit the fuck off for a flag and an anthem.

I wonder if soldiers from the ‘other’ even get a nice folded flag mailed to their moms flat when they don’t return? Black soldiers in Britain get little else for their troubles. No promotions, no commendations and no effin’ respect. I point you to this article…

Long March Of The Black British Soldier

After remarks were made by the Prince of England on a videotaped training session describing one of the servicemen as, “our little Paki friend, Ahmed” there has been widespread handwringing in England. All of a sudden the Brits act like they accidentally imported racism from America along with the sugar.

The truth of the matter is that serviceman was a diminutive Pakistani born soldier. A British subject, and proud of it is what my great-grandmother might say since she held tight to her roots in Nevis. I don’t think Ahmed took offense to this remark for one minute. Mostly because racism is so integral a component within the Western military system that you have to divorce yourself from the reality of your birthskin.

Seriously speaking, who the hell is Ahmed going to be lobbing missiles at? People that will more than likely look like he does. Ahmed’s name might as well become Paki since it can no longer describe his origins or his culture. This is the true story of the clones. They have forsaken individualism for the idea of a faceless state. The clones are as much victims as the people on the other side of their blaster rifles.

They are invisible men with no country and no homeland so don’t even try to look into their eyes to find a soul.


13 Responses to “Shadow Clones And Invisible Men…”

  1. Angela says:

    True indeed. Reminds me of the NAACP’s “Double Victory” push to enlist black soldiers during World War II. They figured if we helped America fight evil abroad then white America would embrace us when we can back home. Epic Fail. My grand-pops fought in the war and was still called a nigger when he got back stateside.

  2. mercilesz says:

    True dat…However the 1st and most vicious racial caste system was created in India and is the reason y homeboy Achmed was referred to as a Paki. The Hindu religion created the Pakistani state by oppressing one group so much that they had to change their religion to Islam to escape that aforementioned religious group and their place in it…..The Bottom… When the Brits got to India they said well damn we don’t even have to divide to conquer because the Indians were divided like a mug when they got there. Varna or Color was being used to keep people down way before(thousands of years) There was a EUROPE or BRITAIN or US or NAZI for that matter.

  3. Marvelous Mo says:

    FINALLY ain’t the word, brotha.

  4. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Dallas, This drop is why I check your site twice daily. Thanks for reminding us that the truth is a beyattch. Peace, Ernie

  5. the_dallas says:

    Its very true that India’s caste system is what the Euro framed white supremacy after. Keep in mind that the lesser castes were in the field doing the agri work and ended up darker than the priesthood and the gentry. The Euros peeped the skin color demarcations and popped off on a whole ‘nother level.

    Slumdog Millionaire is still my recommendation for the perfect date movie.

  6. Tight post. And extra points for using the Shadow Troopers.

    Empire is a funny thing in how some of those most Othered and racialized also seek the glory of service. For example, the Gurkhas who serve the British Army in their own regiment…and one of the most prestigious, glorified, and storied units. There was a great piece on what the Gurkhas have been doing to the Taliban. Trust me, the Gurkhas are not to be f-ed with.

    Also peep the movie Days of Glory about French Algerians fighting in world war 2.

  7. Combat Jack says:

    Revised url:

  8. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    .and lest we forget the famed Buffalo Soldiers who helped “paler” steal the land…….and the Indian scouts (Red Men who worked for the “paler man”………………..

    Check out the caustic “Nature of The Threat” by Ras Kass………Ernie

  9. mercilesz says:

    if u talkin bout the buffalo soldiers check out buck and the preacher 2

  10. nattiez says:

    Just a Big Up DP. my grandpops is from Nevis my dude. what up fam.

  11. ADB says:

    Did you see the story that came out after where the Prince Harrys dad a.k.a. Prince Charles calls their Indian friend of the family ‘Sooty’? Apparently the whole Royal family refer to him in this ‘affectionate’ way.

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