Axis Of Evil (Revised)


Now that birds are widely recognized for taking down airliners I was thinking that G DUBBZ would make his last official act while in office to place these waterfowl on the “axis of evil” terrorism watch list.

This way we can start profiling these dangerous, life threatening birds like we already do the Blacks and arabs…


Canadian Geese
Don’t get it twisted into thinking that Canada loves our democracy so much. Canadian geese don’t. You know they are not a freedom loving flock when they tried to get all Heavens Gate on that U.S. Airways jet.


I feel like the mallards are like the equivalent of the Jordanians or the Syrians because you know they harbor terrorists in their flock but due to their historical connection to us (Donald Duck, Daffy) we let them get a pass.


The pheasants are definitely the Palestinians of the bird species. They are just annoying and bothersome. They will all be dead eventually.


Seagulls have been a problem since way back. Where do you think the phrase ‘Keeping it gully’ originated? The seagulls would have to be like the Ethiopians/Somalians/Egyptians/Kushites of the waterfowl game. They been around forever and they ain’t going no where no matter what we do.

3 Responses to “Axis Of Evil (Revised)”

  1. what Tony Montana’s favorite, the Pelican?

    they might be the hardbodiest of all. shit, Alcatraz was named for ’em. i think people in the Bay Area got wise though, b/c i grew up in SF and never saw one. never saw a Miwok or Ohlone Indian either. perhaps this is related?

  2. E says:

    “Seagulls have been a problem since way back. Where do you think the phrase ‘Keeping it gully’ originated?”

    LOL, you wildin’ homie.

  3. Amadeo says:

    You on point…People always think about pigeons…but we know it’s never the usual suspect.

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