Barack Obama’s Brave New World…

brave new world

Last week while everyone was swaying to the beat of ‘My President Is Black’ and most folks were under the inaugural glow the Food and Drug Administration gave the greenlight to federally funding projects for stem cell research. This has been a controversial issue for the previous administration since stem cells are derived from human embryos. The embryos have to be destroyed in order for the cells to be extracted.

The promise that this research has been foretelling will be a futuristic leap in the healing and repair of degenerative human organs like the kidneys, liver, lungs and even the heart. Scientists believe that stem cells can repair the nerve damage and paralysis suffered by people with spinal cord injuries. What many adversaries of this technology fear is the creation of a system for human cloning. I don’t see how we can’t pursue cloning in our effort to eventually put our middle fingers up to GOD.

Science fiction has taught me many things and one thing consistently, that is the human condition in its worst state is one part hubris and the other part insanity. There is no way under heaven that this technology will not be used for bad shit. We just aren’t capable as a species of not effing something the eff up. My only hope, my only prayer, is that another one of GOD’s innumerable beautiful creations comes to this planet soon to devour us all like the shrimp feast at Red Lobster.

5 Responses to “Barack Obama’s Brave New World…”

  1. Robbie says:

    A giant lobster would be a good way to go.

  2. Kiana says:

    You ever wonder if God gave us the good sense to come up with things like stem cell research to help more people? Just a random thought.

    I think the benefits of stem cell research out weigh my fear of human beings going being human and cloning themselves right along with the cows or sheep, or other craziness they’ve already made.

    And I would not want to go out by a giant lobster. My pops always called them the roaches of the sea…I don’t want to be gobbled by a giant ass roach. ugh.

  3. Makes me wonder what older Black men have against lobsters. My dad called lobsters roaches of the sea as well. But what do those old Black men know about Aldous Huxley?

    Every living animal that walks on this planet has emerged from the inky black sea so roaches are really lobsters of the terrain.

    I am sure there are all kinds of uses of stem cells that are beneficial to people. Does that warrant killing an embryo? Or does a person not officially become a person until they can utter a sentence. I will accept that because then that means we can kill retards and mutes without facing criminal charges.

    I have no faith in man when he says he wants to ameliorate someone’s life by destroying a very real life.

  4. Kiana says:

    Have you ever seen a pic of an embryo? Def different than a retard or a mute and if you ever knock up choc snow plenty of them well never see the light of day.

    I’d rather they be used to save my loved one (or even you BXS 🙂 if they ever got Parkinson’s are some other incurable disease. I guess it just comes down to where you want to draw the line for what is/isn’t moral, and when you believe life begins. That’s a never ending debate.

    So anyway, I def think my dad told me lobster’s were roaches of the sea so I wouldn’t try to order it when we ate out cuz that ish is expensive and he can be a cheap sonofagun. And my daddy don’t know nothing about Aldous Huxley…wish I didn’t neither but I suffered through “A brave new world” in high school =/ Not my cup of tea.

  5. K,
    Our parents had simpler lives with simpler bad guys. In our brave new world we are sometimes in cahoots with the bad guys or even the bad guys ourselves.

    Thank you for trying to save me with your pocketfull of dead embryos. I still wouldn’t mind being attacked by giant space lobsters being that I eat Earth lobsters with a sublime smile.

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