levi palin

I wonder if we will learn the truth about BRISTOL PALIN’s pregnancy from her baby daddy’s appearance on the TYRA BANKS show airing today?

Once and for all I need to know if TRIG PALIN is really TRIPP JOHNSTON PALIN or whatever.

4 Responses to “LEVI 2 SARAH: STOP TRIPPIN’!”

  1. 40 says:

    I fux with her. Bristol Palin is very effin’ hittable. And she’s got that right amount of post-preggers thickness.

  2. Tiffany says:

    It would have been a trip if she and cain won the election. L would have had to marry her daughter. Dang, is dude not taking care of the kid though? This is some real trailor park ish right here!

  3. Gee says:

    I cain’t fux with none of the Pailins. I remember the first time I saw Sarah and fam and Bristol was holding a blanket over her stomach with the baby on it…I knew she was knocked down and knocked up…she look like a roughneck.

    Welcome back to XXL and I woulda told G to shove his bite on you for the name. Damn shame my NCAA card was jacked up…I called the ish right.

  4. sangano says:

    I’ll bone her..I’ll Sylvester Stallone her

    Mami y la Nina…uhmmm

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