BERNIE MADOFF is about to go to the same Caribbean island where MICHAEL JACKSON and KENNETH LAY are chilling.
Who wants to bet that 2Pac is a waiter there and B.I.G. is the janitor?
This entry was posted on Monday, June 29th, 2009 at 10:18 am and is filed under 5000, C.R.E.A.M., Harpers Weekly Review, Social Upheaval, T.O.N.Y., When I Reminisce..., white, Wig Owners. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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I was all set to ignore further reading on Michael Jackson but this is pretty damn good: Ishmael Reed on the systemic persecution of MJ as black man–
I mostly try to ignore the 21st century mass media so I don’t know some of Reed’s targets but he’s usually dead fucking on about such things.
He got 150 years. Still not enough.
I should add that while Madoff is a scumbag…
There were ** A LOT ** of people complicit in this scam, including the SEC, the lazy media, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and, last, some of these see-no-evil investors themselves, tho’ of course the system is supposed to protect people from the most outrageous scams like this one.
I have no problem with letting Madoff rot but he shouldn’t be a martyr to a corrupt system that enabled him.
It all makes sense ‘after the fact,’ right–
“I have no problem with letting Madoff rot but he shouldn’t be a martyr to a corrupt system that enabled him”
No doubt.