
You’ve got to be extra sometimes if you want to people to respect your steez. You can’t be like the others. I think that remarks the style of kids from Long Island to a degree. They are trying to keep up with their cousins from the city so they go in extra hard to show that they can hang.

Right near my house in L.I. is a nice little sneaker shop called Extra Butter NY. These dudes represent for Long Island in a major way. Not just with kicks, but with streetwear and gear. I paid a visit to this shop which is right in my backyard to see what they were all about.

Now I may not have to go to the city any longer for my exclusive shit. The folks that run Extra Butter are from the future. They host a ‘movie night’ in their store. The theme this time is called “Sextra Butter“. The movie is ‘9.5 Weeks’. I fux with Extra Butter NY.

6 Responses to “SNEAKER FIENDS UNITE!”

  1. mercilesz says:

    hmmmm….Im a city Kid from Jersey and No disrespect to Butter or anything but I think Im gonna have to stick to tried and trues like Sneaker 108,Dr Jays and VIM…Im gonna need more convincing.

  2. the_dallas says:

    You can’t compare a Dr.Jays or a VIM’s to these new boutiques.

    I’m a dude that loves to pay $30-$40 for my kicks that complement the ‘Lo I.T.’s already in my archives, but when I do splash off I need to know where I can go to copp shit that won’t have me sleeping in front of the store overnight.

    Not that I would ever do that

  3. HowfreshEats says:

    You pulled a Stephen A. Smith- “I’m not down wich ya’ll, ya’ll are LI heads…I’m new to this suburban shit.” Killed them.

    Spot looks like a nice little find. Had the Jones Beach forces too. But I need to wholeheartedly disagree about snapbacks. Terrible.

  4. mercilesz says:

    snapbacks? ha ha..and yo I agree Dallas would never sleep outside of a store for sneakers however I definitely want a pair of reasonably priced Yeezys. Oh and sorry I just cant refer to you as DP…way too rainbow(not that theres anything wrong with that). peace

  5. I don’t know if i’m down with new snap back movement. While i’m certainly tired of 5950’s (even though i’m wearing an old school Houston Astros fitted now), I don’t know if i’m ready to bring it back the snap backs..and I was a sports specialty/game/starter junkie back in the day.

  6. Raiders (and Kings) sports specialty caps = my shit back in ’89/’90

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