Tony Stark, Private Dancer…

iron dancer

Further proof that the economy hasn’t recovered from the recession is the fact that Tony Stark is back to drinking bumwines and poledancing while in his Iron Man armor. If an arms dealer can’t make ends meet in this economy, none of us can.


Ladies, are you drinking too much?

iron dancer

Shouts to MarkDub

12 Responses to “Tony Stark, Private Dancer…”

  1. Robbie says:

    I’ll be having nightmares for weeks off that pic.

  2. nerditry says:

    Government contracted dancer for hire…

  3. john says:

    why tony why?

    career is similar to LisaRaye now

  4. Polotron says:

    I truly hope that bottle is photoshopped in.

  5. $ykotic Don McCaine says:

    Wild Irish Rose???

    Couldn’t find Cisco, huh?

    Pic is funny as hell.

  6. john says:

    that ain’t photoshop unfortunately.

    i’m willing to trade my walter simonson manhunter collection along with miracleman 1-3 for the demon in a bottle issue dallas

  7. chris says:

    That cover from when they made him an alcoholic is still a classic piece of art

  8. whooooo. surprised i look half as youthful as I do and feel half as healthy…..sheiiit nights drunk off that Wild Irish,Mad dog 50/50(lolz) ,Night Train and Private Stock, smoking blunts mixed wit dust and having swoolie sessions(menage a trois) wit chicks raw dawg………..a nigga could have come out waaaaaaaaaay worse from the 90’s

  9. Mark Dub says:

    yeah…you KNOW the economy is effed the eff up when former billionaire industrialist Tony Stark has fallen back into skid row. I blame Enron.

  10. Gee says:

    When I was a kid, bums used to drink WIR…is that ish back in style?
    I blame the NY air traffic controllers.

  11. CungPhooMasta...Cheef says:

    you take action figures and liquour to the jobsite with you?

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