Lucky 7…

lucky 7

I wasn’t really happy with the last podcast after I listened to it. There was too much stuttering and slurring of my speech. Y’all deserve better than that. I deserve to put better work into the cipher than that.

Podcast #7 isn’t as long but I think it’s twice as strong. Let’s hope thats what she’ll say…

Oh and yeah, fux the Yankees.

9 Responses to “Lucky 7…”

  1. mercilesz says:

    most definitely fuck the yankees. fuck that payroll over there 2. other markets cant compete. mets cant stay healthy and i blame omar…..pick up some young talent….they should have got manny and i wanted barry but they banned him from the league….why is sheffields old self the most productive offensive member of the team? ima listen to this podcast now. oh shit im listenin to the cast now…20 runs? steroids.

  2. atifl says:

    damn dallas you going in with these podcasts, salutes to you sir

  3. $ykotic Don McCaine says:


    Come on my dude. We’re good $, but the Sawx put 14 on us Sat. We know mos err’body was on the clear, and mos err’body hates the Yanks.

    S’ok. $yk’s a Yankee fanatic since ’75.

    @ mercilesz

    Sheff’s on the NY Metropolitans homie.

  4. mercilesz says:

    i was talking about the mets ….im a fandude heavy. u probably just skimmed my reply.

  5. tall jamal says:

    man, always hatin on the yankees and I be in Argentina right now and cryin that my mets let philly turn a triple on em, but don´t try to kill baseball my man!!! That´s all I got left lovin in my home country right now!!!

  6. $ykotic Don McCaine says:

    @ mercilesz

    I didn’t skim. That was dry humor family. Sheff did his thing for us. I actually didn’t want to see him go.

    @ tall jamal

    Once Omar tried the Taino movement, you had to know it wouldn’t work. All PAY, shitty play.

  7. Jaislayer says:

    Everybody loves a winner!! I hope to see u at the world championship parade for the Yankees. What’s good wit the Mets they find new ways to Fuc up every week. It’s a damn shame DP, I feel ya pain I’m a Knicks fan.

  8. 1969 says:

    Oh and yeah, fux the Yankees.

    ^co-sign (I embrace my hateration)

  9. Polotron says:

    Why you gotta go in on the Yanks? We didn’t triple up that Little League squad in the Q…

    Cap, Tex, Cano, Godzilla, Fatbathia…let’s go!!

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