Das Retarded…

wheelchair jimmy

The jig is up for non-disabled actors playing retards and or other types of disabilities. The actual retards now want these simple jack roles to go to actors who are actually retards.

Disabled want more performers to truly fit roles

How real is this?

Very much I hope.

I don’t want to see anyone in Blackface unless they can be as awesome as Robert Downey Jr. was in ‘Tropic Thunder’.

Drake is no longer allowed to be photographed in a wheelchair even if he sprains his anterior cruciate while slipping on the sweet syrup of his lyrics.

This should also qualify for sexuality as well. No transgender performers allowed unless they can produce genitalia that reasonably resembles that of the gender they are performing as. Lady Gaga gets the hermaphrodite exemption.

Tyler Perry however will have to undergo some sort of surgery if he want to continue with the Madea meme.

4 Responses to “Das Retarded…”

  1. Tony Grands says:

    Remember that deaf white chick started playing the deaf girls in movies & on TV? She was even on Seinfeld reading lips.

    I think Tyler Perry is the make-up laden, public figure. Madea is actually who writes those effin movies. How else could you explain the feminine point of view in every one? Oh, never mind.

  2. frqncy says:

    wait. is this kneegrow actually wearing a ‘i got five on it’ tee?

  3. Johnny Sagan says:

    Drake needs to get up out the wheelchair and pitch Dreams From My Father: The Movie.

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