There’s A Riot Going On…


Its rare when you look at artists that have gotten better with age. Sean Price comes to my mind. Game Rebellion is that other example. I have been riding for the young gunners since they first got together. I thought their sound was dope then too.

Game Rebellion’s content which was mostly that kind of angst that young people generate while in college was perfect for the time we were living in. G Dubbz was the prexy. Bombs were dropping over Baghdad. Someone needed to speak the truth to power. Rappers sure as hell weren’t hardbody enough to do it. Too many of them are looking to get some new jewelry.

Game Rebellion has an EP available in January for you to purchase called ‘Sounds Like A Riot’. Here are two songs off that EP, ‘Rebel’ and ‘Blind’. In the new year we will see a whole bunch of bands and established artists try their hands at bringing that rap rock reggae rhythm music back to the fronts of our minds. Game Rebellion is already there. Go get a late pass…

6 Responses to “There’s A Riot Going On…”

  1. 6 100 says:

    So thats what Derek Fisher looks like without the Lakers Jersey?


  2. joeytoofresh says:

    They kick so much ass, I was introduced to their sound at Afro Punk. Alot of cats need Game Rebellion in their life..

    joey too fresh

  3. Slumbilical says:

    i used to get it in ohio

  4. Slumbilical says:

    yo DP do u fux with The 99? shit’s getting huge recently [||]. peep gizzame:

  5. the_dallas says:

    SlumBeez, you got any of their books? Send me one so I can go in.

  6. VEe! says:


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