Capitalism Needs Some Compassion…

gulf oil

The similarity between the two ecological disasters in the Gulf coast region was that the government entrusted the well being of its citizens to private corporations: the company that was supposed to monitor the structural stability of the levees and the company that was supposed to ensure the safety of the oil drilling apparatus.

The problem with public safety is when it doesn’t add into the bottom line.

Capitalism is a machine that is bigger than my understanding. The whirring parts that distract me are there to diffuse accountability. The thing we know for sure is that the machine makes money, but who gets it? And isn’t the responsibility of protecting the people ultimately the obligation of the dude getting all the cake?

Capitalism needs compassion for it to remain sustainable.

Otherwise it has to devour everything. Naturally.

2 Responses to “Capitalism Needs Some Compassion…”

  1. I’m not interested in superlatives (i.e. most this or that) but here’s basic Q: how much campaign $$$ did Bush, AND then Obama get from BP? Republicans AND Democrats?

    Think we’ll see a photo of Barry and an oil covered pelican like this?

    Or are we supposed to jerk ourselves off over his fake liberal Supreme Court pick?

    “Big” “surprise” he didn’t dare a black jurist, huh? Good bit on how Kagan tried to murk Thurgood Marshall on legal research from the inside–

  2. Amadeo says:

    It kills me that folks spend so much time condemning one system or another. Corrupt people could ruin Utopia. Capitalism just rocks us to sleep because you can at least dream that you’ll win the lottery or do something to get rich.

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