

Israel FTW everytime!

Reports out of Egypt are accusing the Mossad of placing killer sharks in Egypt’s waters to fux up the tourism industry.

I’m sure in an underground lab in Jerusalem one of the German scientists spirited away from the Nazis has created a shark crocodile hybrid. Sick animal husbandry is that hardbody German shit.

4 Responses to “Sharkspionage!”

  1. Mark Dub says:

    Megladon Unleashed!

  2. Amadeo says:

    I want to see some Israeli UFC…I think that would be hardcore.

  3. BIGNAT says:

    @ amadeo isreal doesn’t do mma. they just kill that krav maga stuff is killing techniques man.

  4. Fosterakahunter says:

    Interesting how they allegedly employ strategical tactics that would make their WWII tormentors giddy.

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