HURRICANE STARRKEYSHA Didn’t Care About Black People

ashy dogs

Hurricane STARRKEYSHA and the great virgin mother have something in common.

With Mardi Gras only a week away local Louisiana hotels have been steadily evicting FEMA refugees evacuees. STARRKEYSHA has created another level of homelessness that I was unaware of previously. Can you even imagine being so poor that no state will accept you? Where the hell are these people going to go?

Hurricane STARRKEYSHA didn’t just raise the water table, she raised questions about where we stand as a moral and humanitarian nation. It seems pretty crazy to run all around the planet spending billions to install democracy while right in our backyard we let people’s carcasses rot in a toxic marsh because “there isn’t any overtime pay left.”


A few days after the storm’s impact had become crystal clear MASTER P produced this video reel to hand mock praise to then FEMA Director MIKE BROWN. After reviewing the video that was to be posted on this site, MASTER P had a change of heart because he wasn’t confident that the viewers would understand that the meaning of the clip was to highlight the inaction and insincerity of the Administration. Please try to view the following clip through that lens.

I am climbing off the soapbox now because I am sure that you have read and heard enough of this story. But before I go let me give you some more info…

Brooklyn’s newest jig politico KEVIN POWELL can be called a bunch of derisive things and we may use this website to call him out, but his record up to this point speaks for itself. He has spearheaded several sucessful community based fundraisers and he was one of the first grassroots organizers for the Katrina relief efforts.

To that effect KEVIN is the driving force behind the Katrina On The Ground program. KOTG is looking for college kids to volunteer their time during spring break to visit the affected areas and assist with the rebuilding and cleanup efforts. The 3 point program for KOTG is 1) physical and emotional rebuilding of communities and lives; (2) legal and civil rights issues; and (3) financial literacy and empowerment for the affected citizens and region.

This sounds like something that I would want on my resume when I was 19 or 20. Plus I will give you the old man scoop any event KEVIN POWELL puts his name on… he’s got ho’s!

I promise you that you will be swimming in sweet young chocolate poonahnee during spring break, but not the kind that you can’t have because those sluts are chasing down the dude with the drop top BMW. Nope, you will be surrounded by young ladies that think you are a stud because you helped repair a studwall to a house that was destroyed.

4 Responses to “HURRICANE STARRKEYSHA Didn’t Care About Black People”

  1. reninatronix says:

    You be nice to Kevin. Thas’ my play cousin. He hella fresh.


    Kevin Hearts Blk PPL.

  2. Supa says:

    Kevin loves Black People, very cute. Put that on a t-shirt. That make-shift shoe w/da rubber bands pic just broke my heart.

  3. Brother Omi says:

    man, you should do PR work man… “I promise you that you will be swimming in sweet young chocolate poonahnee during spring break, but not the kind that you can’t have because those sluts are chasing down the dude with the drop top BMW. Nope, you will be surrounded by young ladies that think you are a stud because you helped repair a studwall to a house that was destroyed. ”


  4. Key from the City says:

    I was with you up until the last 2 paragraphs.

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