Weather Warfare…

First off, let’s all agree that the internets was created mainly for nerds and conspiracy theorists alike. I mean, who else can take so much shit out of context as these two groups? I love the idea that the shadow government is using weather satellites around the globe to stir shit up.

Every earthquake, tornado, flood, volcano and hailstorm from this point forward will be blamed on the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program aka H.A.A.R.P. It does crazy shit with the ionosphere and is now even being blamed for the shift in the shift in the Earth’s poles. Kind of like a shift in the old Earth’s uterus, as it were.

Networked satellites zapping the upper atmosphere with radar waves I am loving the plotline as if it were coming straight from a Tom Clancy novel or a Marvel comicbook. Instead of S.H.I.E.L.D., H.Y.D.R.A. or Cobra putting this nefarious plan into effect it’s the U.S. government’s own agency D.A.R.P.A. or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Government offices like this are what the alphabet was created for.

The best thing about conspiracy theories is that they are more than likely true if there is some money to be made in them being accurate. Like, if you could ruin a country’s cash crop with bad weather and force them to buy your agricultural goods why wouldn’t you take advantage. All’s fair in love and capitalism, and just like with love, good capitalism means never having to say you’re sorry.

4 Responses to “Weather Warfare…”

  1. illill says:

    dallas….the polo steez at wimbledon the polo steez at wimbledon
    plenty of flavas on sale at macys…..the ill lion joint

  2. the_dallas says:

    I already copped the 2011 knit, and do me a big favor since you like to leave ‘Lo comments; put them on ‘Lo gear drops so that other lifestyle lovers can get the message as well

  3. BIGNAT says:

    they said the same thing about what happened in japan. why would you risk the planet just to prove a point. i think this falls into conspiracy brother territory.

  4. illill says:

    aight my bad son.

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