sweet feet

I told y’all fools that this was going to be the year that everything named DALLAS jumped off so I don’t know why y’all are set trippin’ while Miami gets served.

I feel bad for some of you Heat fans since one of your star players is only a ‘G’ away from gay. If my last name was WADE and my mom named me DWAYNE I would have to hit my ‘Bama azz mother upside her head with a sock stuffed with a soda can. DWAYNE WADE loves his momma though so he won’t do that.

sweet feet

And he should love his momma. Who you think taught him how to put on the pantyhose he plays in? DWAYNE prah’lee has a garter under his shorts with those clips that hold up his thigh highs(no KORDELL STEWART).

sweet feet

It ain’t just DWAYNE WADE that wears stockings while playing with balls for the Heat. JAYSON WILLIAMS wears the pantyhose too.

sweet feet

And JAMES POSEY tried to get his prostate examined during a television timeout. Peep the doctor in the tie taking a peek at POSEY’s package(extra no MIKE PIAZZA)

sweet feet

And why shouldn’t the Heat be gay anyhoo? They play in America’s gayest city for America’s most teh ghey fans

sweet feet

26 Responses to “DWAYNE WADE Is Teh Ghey”

  1. alex2.0 says:

    his name is actually spelled “DWYANE” so i guess thats even more reason to wanna hit his “Bama azz mother upside her head with a sock stuffed with a soda can”

  2. Candice says:

    I am still laughing at “No Kordell Stewart”…..

  3. LM says:

    I know you did this on purpose… it’s Jason Williams, “not that Jayson Williams”… girlfriend looked up at the TV during Game 2 when she heard the name and started to say, “The guy who killed…”

  4. brittney g. says:

    are you serious?!?!?! DWAYNE WADE is kicking some Dallas ASS right now, and he could probably kick all yours too. Don’t get mad cuz he got it like that and Dallas is gonna lose and Miami is gon win the CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! He’s fine too, smoke that up your pipe!

  5. money says:

    hater!! fuck wat u sayin cuz he`s rich and ur not!! no matter how many of these hatin` ass articles u write, he`ll still be worth more than u, yo mama, yo daddy, and everyone in ur whole family tree.. lol . fuck u.. 2006 nba champions are who.. MIAMI HEAT !!! whew ; fuck dallas !!

  6. Billy Sunday says:

    ^Ha! You fag! What do you care about DWAYNE GAYDE’s money for? Unless he’s paying you to hold the spoon under his nutsack. Go put on some pantyhose and let GAY DWAYNE shove a basketball in your arse.

  7. Tyosha says:

    “DWYANE” needs to get a paternity test that child not his!!!!!! His game tigth work but that bitch do not need to get anything that is not due her since that boy ain’t his.

  8. Tyosha says:

    He was of the country getting his game even tigther than it already was and he get a call from his fiance saying that she pregnant (what a perfect way to trap a man who is doing BIG THANGS) she knew he was going to the pros anyways everyone at marquette knew he was going she got her hooks in him and trapped him with this baby that is not his. His game still tight. He need to work on his head game. GET A PATERNITY TEST.

  9. Tyosha says:

    Son named Zaire Blessing (Dwyane Wade) thats the other dude name who is the TRUE dad….how triffling is that. He better open his eyes.

  10. darnell says:

    u guys r fucken haters, fuck u and ur bama azz hating dwyane wade becuz hes talented

  11. Billy Sunday says:

    ^Darnell is a bitch’s name right?!?

  12. Dwyane GAYDE!!!! says:



  13. Dwyane GAYDE!!!! says:



  14. darnell says:

    hey fucker, wht dkind of fucken name is billy neway, u hick piece of shit

  15. darnell says:

    yo billy do u like suckin the dallas players dick or somethin, fuck off adn stop talkin shit about dwyane, its shit heads like u who dont get nething and who would name there son billy neway

  16. the_dallas says:

    Darnelle, dont hate Billy, he’s just mad the Mavs got swept. You have to admit though that the name Darnelle is bitchmade.

  17. Dwyane GAYDE!!!! says:

    Wade likes men

  18. light says:

    u guys are all just a bunch of immature guys obssessed with sports who have lost the true meaning of the game…. working about skills and who wins and who loses….. dont involve their personal lives. by simply trying to put down players because of their personal stuff (which most of them end up being rumors and fake) is simply a sign of immaturity and its ridiculous….. grow up please

  19. Dwyane GAYDE!!!! says:

    That’s not the point. Wade is a homosexual. End of story

  20. wade lover says:

    dwayne wade is better than any of you will ever be!!!

  21. terry says:

    u guy es are a bunch off dickheads. dwyanewade is not gay. if any 1 of u fukers can prove in anyway that dwyane wade is gay then he is but untill then u are rong. he is married with a woman not a man. and if he was gay it would be all over the news. so he is not gay. and that dwyanegayed guy. fuk u ass hole. u know shit. ur a cock suker. get ur info right ass hole and then right this shit on a website

  22. terry says:

    so up urs. dwyane wade rules. i agree with wade love, danell and especially that money guy. lol

  23. terry says:

    so fuk all the wade haters in the world including sithero u fuk headfuk

  24. terry says:

    sithero can go suk nathans balls. and while he s at it. he can join the orgie between the richmond footy club

  25. tha man says:

    you guys only hate the man cause he single handedly beat dallas and won the NBA championship and i guess baron davis is gay to for destroying the mavs . Dwayne is one of the best NBA players playing he’s better than Dirk Gayikzki . im serious the only good player u guys have is jason terry he should be the captin not gay little dirk D wade will always be beter than dallas and he will always piss dallas fans off for being the Guy that stopped the amazing mavs and ruined thier chance at a championship

  26. tha man says:

    yo imma keep it real if wade was gay he would be like john amichi he wouldnt be on the news for scoring ponits hed be on the news for srcoring menits not another gay movie its another gay dallas fan

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