burka rocker

Haven’t peeked into Iraq in a minute or two because I, like you, thought that the mission was accomplished three years ago before there were 2,500 Americans reported dead. Funny thing is that I think that number has shrunk in just a few months?!?

The best thing about AL-ZARQAWI dying is that slowly, but surely they will run out of arabs unless they start recalling all the newspaper dealers in the States, then the war may continue for who knows how long. One thing for sure is that there won’t be any Japanese left to throw into the burning buildings. Somebody tell me why we weren’t using these guys as kamikazes from the beginning?

burka rocker

The good news, if you would call it that, for the U.S. soldiers in Iraq is that there is one job in Baghdad even deadlier than theirs… being SADDAM HUSSEIN’s defense attorney. Them boys stay getting merc’ked like clockwork.

No new mixtapes from OSAMA and his band, but you can bet they are in the studio.


In another lifetime, twenty five years ago, I listened to a group of musicians who understood global politics and urban disenfranchisement. I am smart enough to consider these dudes as Hip-Hop. You should listen to what I say and tell PitchFork to go fuck themselves (no Liberace, of course).

3 Responses to “ROCK The CASBAH!”

  1. Candice says:

    Now you know this was the JAM back in the day….especially if you went to BTHS! Rock the Cashbah……….

  2. Vik says:

    I am smart enough to consider these dudes as Hip-Hop.

    great line. everybody sucks….except me. i believe that was said by the philosopher homer…..simpson

    hip hop is more than production, a look, a story.

    it’s rebellion, attitude, standin for what you believe in.

  3. LM says:

    I finally looked up the lyrics… been wanting to and forgetting for 24 years. Even knowing about seven percent of them (lyrics) that’s a great song.

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