N.Y.C. High Schoolers Getting More Stupiderer…

getting dumb

I blame myself. While I sit here and debate which crapper is going to bring New York City back to the forefront of rap music with their fallacious tales of crack sales, there has been a whole generation of kids here in the city falling through the real cracks. There should be alarms going off when the greatest city on the planet can’t graduate more than 40% of its high school population.

I understand that there should be a percentage of kids who just aren’t built for the social promotion that New York City has classically administered, I am one of them, but to lose almost two thirds of your student body is shameful. It guarantees a generation of kids will grow up to be nothing more than the shit shovelers and street cleaners for this faux glitzy town.

All I see are new condominiums being developed in some of the formerly most neglected neighborhoods that the city has. We are spending millions and billions of dollars to attract IKEA and Crate & Barrel to open up megastores and shopping malls. These megaplexes will be staffed by NYC dropouts. This allows the corporations that own these businesses to pay these people a pittance, but it also screws the consumer when customer service is important. This city is split right down the middle now with people that can afford to pay a million dollars to live in a building that prostitues and pimps used to piss on and the rest of us, jockeying for the discarded cardboard box to the high-end Miele refrigerator.

In case you had any bright ideas I am going to put my refrigerator box near the park.

billy sunday

3 Responses to “N.Y.C. High Schoolers Getting More Stupiderer…”

  1. P-Matik says:

    What is your response to the following statement?
    “It seems that people take more pride in their own ingnorance than ever before.”

  2. the_dallas says:

    P, I don’t agree that people take pride in their ignorance in as much as they have pride in their mediocrity. The Black have always had to gird themselves from people that appeared to be Black who chastised those that went to school or annunciated well. The issue I want to hilite in this post is that Quality of Life should apply equally to the wealthy and the disenfranchised.

  3. Vik says:

    damn. stole my post.
    1 million? god damn.

    high school dropouts working in the ikeas and crate and barrels…..brilliant…..but, unfortunately, true.

    livin just enough, just enough for the city.

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