The Internets Have Spoken!

free huey

This website is one of the last bastions of true democracy. It is a website for the people by the people who know people that like other people. Without a civilized and sophisticated readership to patrol the pages and postings on this site we might just become another place on the web for Negro nonsense that no one bothers to visit.

While doing a cursory review of the blogroll that runs along the right hand side bar of this site I came to visit the thinking man’s Hip-Hop site, OH WORD!. They broached an interesting question over there when they asked their readers if the porn photographs at DALLASPENN dot com ruin the otherwise enjoyable content that the site posts. All the commenters agreed that the porn pictures at DALLASPENN dot com made the site less then enjoyable when attempting to share the content with friends and/or co-workers.

This information is important to us here at DALLASPENN dot com. We like to think that the experience that you gain from visiting this site will be enlightening and also entertaining. Since there are only 7 people that visit this site we would consider ourselves foolish to lose 3 viewers because our image selection was inappropriate. That’s like 85% or something like that (excuse us, we went to the BONZO G DUBBZ math training academy). Even though we considered the photos of men and women in various states of undress to NOT be pornography since there were no areolas or genitalia indicated we will cease and desist form using those images on any future DALLASPENN dot com posts.

If any readers would like to visit a private phot gallery that hosts those images please send BLU CHEEZ an e-mail and he will issue you his personal password for access to those galleries. In the meantime I guess we will ask BLU CHEEZ to search his photo archive for images that will not be as offensive to the prudent readers that view this site.

Thank you for your consideration.

lady on lady



18 Responses to “The Internets Have Spoken!”

  1. prynsex says:

    I kinda like porn myself. All types! And guess what, I haven’t had sex in 2 years.

    Fight the power! If they don’t like the pics, tell them where they can go.

  2. rafi says:

    i like porn too… i get it on a regular basis from porn sites.

    i prefer to keep my perverted and repressed sides segregated is all.

    by the way lol at this. i feel like a major shareholder man!

  3. Candice says:

    DP…it is challenging to share your fantastic writing with other’s due to “the photos” in question at times.

    However, I take it as artistic expression and don’t feel that it takes away from your topics.

    Oh and I think I am reader number three 🙂

  4. Candice says:

    Oh and I support porn. LOL

  5. prynsex says:

    And your Negro nonsense that no one bothers to visit link is sooooo true. lol

    Long live SEX, SEX, SEX and more SEX!

  6. Amadeo says:

    Damn if you don’t put it up I’ll have to find another way to see it without “looking”. It kept my dirty and innocent at the same time.

  7. reader #9 says:

    i love your writing and come here everyday, however, the porn does get in the way if i try to check it out in public; i’ve had to lower my screen once or twice.

    I get what you are trying to do, and i hate to make it sound like you aren’t the best thing on these internet streets, but i think the porn takes away more than it adds.

  8. Bless 1 says:

    lol @ the cars in the missionary position. You crazy as hell!

    I refuse to believe 7 people visit this piece. Multiply that by some triple digit number and I think you’ll be closer.

  9. the_dallas says:

    Dear 9th Reader,
    Thanks for thinking that you know what I was trying to do. It was prah’lee disingenuous of me to think that I could post copious photos of semi-nude consenting adults in various states of intimacy. The main theme of each photo was inter-racial love. I wanted to be the place that inspired a spike in the mulatto birthrate.

    As an aside, do you think that ladybug is wearing a strap-on?

  10. Sean says:

    “Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.”

  11. LM says:

    Funniest post ever. And most sophisticated market interaction. I’m reader #14.

  12. Nigeria says:

    I prefer human porn to animal or car porn

  13. Vik says:

    these pictures are disgusting.

  14. 911 says:

    Just bcuz you don’t have a million comments like say nah right doesn’t mean you aren’t viewed by as many people, I like to view the people that view your sight as actual grown ups. Most people with sense and different opinions don’t jump into competitive banter at every opportunity they just let it be…….ok let’s be immature I always try to figure out if I have the flick of the pic you post….hahaha….1

  15. Candice says:

    awww…you were just doing your part to promote interracial harmony? I say bring back the human porn then! You old softee…Dallas Penn is for the children!!!

  16. p-city says:

    The car porn is the funniest shit I have seen in a while!

    You know my opinion on the matter. For those of us working in the pseudo-kinda-corporate offices, the pics make it hard to keep your page up on the screen or send the link to others.

    However, on the home computer screen they aren’t an issue.

    So… I have a solution!!!! Whenever you feel like posting, use the car porn image (or some other funny photo) as a placeholder or a button that takes you to the Billy Sunday love photos. That way, everyone is happy. Readers can click on your site while coworkers are nearby and and they can check out the other pics when you post them.

    That’ll be $500 please.

  17. mrkamoji says:

    Keep the porn, just start takin requests. I already sent an email for the passwords. Where are my passwords, dammit?

  18. KENKEN CHILL says:

    i love porn uhm….with protection (save life use tha boots )

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