The big homie DUK-KI from MajorDC hollered at me last week to ask if I would be in town to fux with the launch of EA Sports franchise NBA video game Elite 11. There would be a few players to chop it up with as well as musicians and assorted industry folks. I was like “Hells Chea!” Even tho’ I’m not a gamer I realize that gamers and myself are both cut from the same cloth.
That material would be called fanboyhood. Google it.
TERRENCE is the major hoopshead and he had the backstory on all the players in the party. We shot some footage with me acting as Dontrevius Wenters since it was NBA Draft Week and John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins were in the building. The real athletes had a hard time believing that Dontrevius expected to be drafted as well. Dontrevius told them that age and weight were only numbers and since he was high in both of those categories shouldn’t his points per game follow suit?
Sometimes players just don’t understand.
A big shout out goes to rapper J.Cole who said the word ‘Internets’ like he meant it. Sean Price is the ONLY other rapper that recognizes that we are all interconnected networks. Somebody send me some J.Cole music like yesterday so I can get familiar with this young gunner. When I told Brandon Jennings that J.Cole might join the league as well he rolled his eyes. Why do athletes want to be musicians, but they won’t allow us to be great in other shit like their sport?
All the players were pretty nice with their stick game too [ll]. I’m talking about the game controls for Electronic Arts latest version of NBA Live they have renamed NBA Elite. I hope the Madden Curse doesn’t follow these players as well since my homie KEVIN DURANT is the dude on the cover of NBA Elite ’11. Me and K.D. kicked it for a few and I told him about my predictions that he would be the greatest player of all time.
I also gave him props for arranging his signature sneaker to have such a reasonable pricepoint. I made him laugh when I told him that he pwned Amare Stoudemire so much this season that Amare started wearing K.D.’s signature shoe in the playoffs instead of his own. Good times. That video will surface sooner or later. In the meantime and in between time take a peek at the LeBron and Durant characters movements on NBA Elite ’11.
The ball handling [ll] and shooting is so ridiculous and effortless from the controllers. Whatever happened to the joystick and orange button of the Atari 2600? I kicked it with some of the developers and programmers of the new game and they aren’t finished getting the bugs out yet either. That’s why the event was also filled with gamers who could give their feedback directly to the techs. I was amazed at how much development Electronic Arts puts into their games. EA might be in the business of making videogames, but these dudes aren’t playing around.
EA Sports… It’s definitely in the game.
they had it set up on Wii’s?
The score by Bronx All Stars, Stick-up kids is out to tax!
Ah…a day in the life of Dontravius Wenters….getting to hobnob w/the NBA’s elite. I’m a tad bit jealous my friend. Glad you had fun.
Am I the only cat sad that NBA Live is dead? Man, that shit was a MAJOR part of my childhood/teenage years. It had a good run though.
You’re not the only one. I remember when it was Jordan Vs. Bird on the Sega Genesis. Damn, those was the good ol’ days.
Do you remember the EA Sports/Tiger Electronics hand helds?
real talk
im a playable character in 2k11
rappers ball
ea sports
im not in the game
^ that right thurr is yet another reason for me to cop 2k over ea’s renamed game. 2k has jordan AND sean p as playables?
@ Grands,
I do remember those handhelds, I had a couple, but I have four brothers/cousins that lived in the same house so they never lasted long. I never got into the 2k series, I loved those sliding, gliding players on Live!
Head To Head handheld (II) sports video games? WOW.
Marvel v Capcom series
NBA Live
Live >> 2K, but only for nostalgic purposes. Like the original Lionel >> Jenny’s husband.