
The only reason I wish SADDAM was still alive is so that he could be killed again. As it stands now there have been approximately 750,000 Iraqis killed since the United States invasion in 2003. The total number of people murdered in the region far exceeds that number if you consider that the war on these people has been waged ever since we found oil in their desert.

The installation of SADDAM HUSSEIN as a post-colonialism puppet continued the assault on humanity unabated. Make believe borders and names like Iranians, Kurds, Shiite, whatever, are used by supremacy to deny people their basic human rights. SADDAM and the millions of people in the middle east that have been killed for oil were all just pawns on the supremacists’ chess board. The only difference between SADDAM from the rest is that he actively chose his role.

When SADDAM was hung so expeditiously it was in full confidence that all of the dossiers of information regarding Western manipulation had been purged and obliterated. Nation building and resource stealing is messy international business and the efforts of our government to stifle the expansion of other sovereign nations might not look too good if it gets put out on front street. SADDAM had to die as he was a connection to more than his own misdeeds, but those of American leaders and their wealthy corporations.

News media has bitched and moaned about the barbarism which was displayed during SADDAM’s execution without acknowledging their role in the production. Dignity and integrity in broadcasting has been waylaid to express the salaciousness and primal bloodlust that is the human condition. Truth to tell you, without America’s intervention I’d be surprised if SADDAM’s execution would have contained as much dignity as it did. These are Persians at their core. They have no problem tying someone to the back of a horse which then runs around the town square while people throw stones at them. And this treatment is for people that they like.

We Americans prefer to take a man’s dignity in other ways…


12 Responses to “PAWNS GET PWNED IN THE GAME…”

  1. Web says:

    It’s funny that no one is curious about our support of Saddam as a CIA asset in the 1970s. What’s crazy though, is that the majority of the 3000 American casualties have resulted from fighting the Sunnis(20% of the population.) Once we try to take on Moqtada al-Sadr, all bets are off. This dude’s militias killed Cindy Sheehans son AND called of a search in his neighborhood for a kidnapped AMERICAN translator. We are either going to Fallujahize Sadr city or put out a cost plus contract for caskets.

    Call me cynical, but I think that the Administration is hoping for a Gulf of Tonkin type incident to incite the American people and strike Iran.

    Fortunately, I’ll be exempted from the draft soon.

  2. The 40 Vuitton Don says:

    The execution of Saddam to me shows the further brashness of the American government as is moves more towards the American Gangsterment. Our government has always been pretty gully but it recent years its been alot more blatant in its ways of getting money, starting turf wars, extortion of the neighborhood, and pushing the button on to dispose of potential liabilities. (I guess this is why Bush and Fisty are pals) What America needs to study is its own history of taking down gangsters. The start of any gangster’s demise is when they start getting flagrant and sloppy thus drawing unwarranted attention to themselves. Well our current government situation is akin to brothers throwing money in the air in front of Willie Burgers and bustin’ their gun circa 1987. They’re having a ball at the expense of the people and neighborhood (country) around them. Gas/oil is the new crack/coke and they got us all strung out and fiending while we suffer and they get rich. Well them blatant days are gonna be coming to an end soon fellas, but who’s gonna be the “feds” that bust The Feds???

  3. Amadeo says:

    Hell it’s beyond Saddam just about all the people we’ve called tyrants and removed were people that we set up…they just got off script. I don’t know how many times I explained to people that the CIA trained the Taliban. All those tactics that we called “cowardly” are the blueprint we gave them to fight a superior foe. Osama and Dubya’s fam are closer than me and my actual family. Man, we even wanted to get to Che` but the Bolivians killed him too quick…which may have been a good thing.

  4. miss ahmad says:

    Killing Saddam on one of the holiest days for Muslims will make him a martyr. The fall out fighting between Shiites and Sunnis will continue long after his body has turned to dust.

    I find it so interesting that American’s cheered at his death, mean while our leader is not much better. We hide behind the thin veil that Bush isn’t killing American’s, but go ask somone whose still waiting on their FEMA money in New Orleans…

    Since when did America become so concerned in the lives and welfare of Muslims? Since never that’s when, now watch Bush and his croonies turn a blind eye while Israel brings out the bop gun.

    It disgusts me the lack of humanity…

  5. Vik says:

    the hanging meant one thing to me: g dubbz needed a legacy.

    here’s bob dylan’s only a PAWN in their game:

    dallas, this is some great writing.

  6. omegaSB says:

    shit …..its like a Tom Clancy Flick !!!!! *gets pop corn and bulletproof vest

  7. Combat Jack says:

    ^”(I guess this is why Bush and Fisty are pals)”

    They’s pals also because they share the same Cancerian b-day (July 6th). Only thing is Fisty has proven to be way smarter that Dubya! Guess it’s the merits of Ivy League training silver spoon raised vs. South Side Jamaica, drug game training, bullet riddled, hustler on the corner existence.

  8. ELOHEEM STAR says:

    Saddam should have stood in front of an international legal tribunal. They would have sentenced him to death but not before he would have exposed the United States Government & cooperate involvement…not that any one would really care.

    The Crazy part is by eliminating Saddam and not stabilizing Iraq they just helped Iran.

  9. Lion XL says:

    I’ve been telling people this for the last few years…The American Government is collapsing on itself from all the bullshit fat cat politicians climbing up on the backs of the american citizens.

    This is nothing new, the problem is these pols who used to creep by in secrecy and use backroom shenanigans and settled for the equivalence of the dollar menu at Mc D’s. Now they have gotten so gully and blatant, that its more like the fat boys waddling up to the All you can eat buffet and not wanting to leave.

  10. sasha says:

    “Dignity and integrity in broadcasting has been waylaid to express the salaciousness and primal bloodlust that is the human condition.”

    dallas, i’m nominating you for every award i find out about. this is on some real thoughtful and eloquent literary shit. i’ll have to pull out my anglo dictionary to make it look pretty, but this is the second day that i’ve been completely blown away by a post (oprah post blew me away too). imo, this is what social commentary and reporting should be about. my hat’s off to you.

    now i gotta go show my ignorant cousins how to access your site and make sure they understand what they’re reading. keep on educating. i appreciate how you sprinkle comedic fodder between real shit (i guess the toni post might count as salacious, but it piqued my interest). it keeps people like me focused. thanks again!

  11. sasha says:

    oh yeah, old dudes in tighty whiteys will never cease to amuse me. EFF YO DIGNITY!

  12. The 40 Vuitton Don says:

    CJ – LOL. (also Willie Randolph) I’ll give Fisty the slight edge over Dubya because Curtis made his own money and Dubya was handed his. Both of them could go hunting with Cheney for all I care…

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