
It’s too bad that Marvel Comics had to kill off one of their iconic characters just because the ‘Ghost Rider’ film was a veritable shit sandwich. Blame the movie exec who greenlighted that film without a song from Method Man on the movie’s soundtrack. The only people that don’t associate Meth with the name Johhny Blaze are the people that haven’t left their parent’s basements in twenty years.

I love my X-Men so I try to name my sneakers after those characters when at all possible. These limited edition premium leather Dunks remind me of the most powerful X-Man character second to only Jean Grey. Storm could control the weather on an entire continent if she let herself loose, but like most Black folks in the real world she was the conscience of control. Storm was that bitch for sure and she was even hardbody enough to stand up to Wolverine.

Check these joints out. Purple and powder blue contrast stitching. Candy paint patent leather. Velour ankle collar. Clear cupsole with the goddess image printed underneath. I might have to wear slacks and a white well-pressed button down with these joints.







40 DAWG! You need to fucks with the Dr. Jays spot at Third Ave and 149th Street in the B.X. They sell all the exclusive shit in pro athlete sizes 14-18

23 Responses to “SNEAKER FIENDS UNITE!”

  1. Combat Jack says:

    These are dope!!! How much and did they have size 11?

  2. the_dallas says:

    If Jay-Z keeps signing mega million dollar licensing deals I will owe you a pair from the cRapper Fantasy League

  3. NinaMM says:

    Being a girl and shit (No DUH!)…that contrast stitching is fiyah.

  4. blackstar_atl says:

    How many pairs of dunks do you have?

  5. CB4 says:

    Speaking of the cRapper league… are the points up somewhere yet? (If not, no problem… just curious).

  6. Eloheem Star says:

    Them joints look sexy.

  7. Eloheem Star says:

    Naomi Campbell or Angela Bassett would have made a better fit for storm in the X – Men movies.

  8. 40 says:

    I’m on it like a hornet DP… Much obliged… If you’re down for a mission one weekend yodel at your labrador.

  9. the_dallas says:

    I will get the cRapper League points out this weekend. The grid was completed by my Excel ace this week and I just have to populate the cells with the info.

    extra extra co-sign. Angela Bassett would have been PERFECT.

    Fuck around and we can run through there tommorow. I’ll call you on the jack.

    ‘300’ was that shiite!

  10. Amadeo says:

    Co-sign Angela Bassett. Halle “Make me feeeeeeel guud” Berry can’t hold that role.

    That cover is the dope as well.

  11. sangano says:

    lets face it angela wouldnt do storm justice…too old…u kno it stop front…storm was never “mature” in the comics…we need a new breed of black panthress…cause halle sure isn’t cutting it….

  12. the_dallas says:


    You aren’t really a fan of the X-Men books.

    If you were you would know that Storm and Wolverine were old when they came to the team. It’s about having fidelity to the books, not putting teenagers in to represent characters that were adults. Iceman was part of the O.G. five X-Men, but the movies made him young enough to be in the ‘New Mutants’ generation. If you don’t know these books you should sit down.

    That and the fact that Angela Bassett can out act anybody is enough for my money.

  13. ruimixx says:

    You should do a review for “300” homey. Can’t wait to see that this weekend. (No Nu Shooz)

  14. sangano says:

    tell that to my suitcase filled with x-men and spidey (some pun and -x-factor)…regardless of how much you harp on it…it wouldn’t be the right look and u know this man!

  15. Combat Jack says:

    True Frank Miller fans, please cop this:

    or go kill yerself!

  16. Lion XL says:

    ^Dallas…but don’t forget she went through that thingamajig that made her a kid again (just to rehash old story concepts…screwed up the whole effin timeline if you ask me).

  17. the_dallas says:

    RUIMIXX Says:

    You should do a review for “300″ homey. Can’t wait to see that this weekend. (No Nu Shooz)”

    COMBAT JACK came out last nite, I’ma ask him to review the film and that new Daredevil anthology.

  18. Children of Sanchez says:

    nice dunks, I think those are called the Santanas…but I like calling them the Storms better 😉

  19. the_dallas says:

    ^Yeah, they are called the Santana’s but I call the Steve Nash Air Max 90’s the Dark Phoenix’. I let my lifestyle determine what I call my collectible sneakers.

  20. DeWitz says:

    Yo, Dallas, we need to link up on some of these dunks, I need them in 14’s.. You gettin me jealous with all these ill dunks you post.. Get at me..

  21. Beggar says:

    Yo my dude you stay with the updates on dunks i swear… how about some other joint… I love it still but in just not a dunk man… but you have been opening my eyes…

  22. Skeeter Valentine says:

    Halle Berry can NEVER play a strong black woman…..ever. Horrible ass casting choice. Might as well put Kelly Bundy….

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