sheikh ya booty

Further proof that people wearing white tees are problems…

After removing all of KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED’s fingernails the Pentagon was able to ascertain that he had knowledge of everything bad that has occurred over the last 10 years. It’s not just so called acts of terrorism that that this man has been in control of, but all kinds of other bad shit as well…

  • TUPAC’s murder because he was a fake Muslim
  • The escalating rate in AIDS in Russia
  • He refuses to allow JAMES BROWN to be buried
  • I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter is actually high in cholestorol
  • Steroids use in children under 10yrs old
  • Declining sales of General Motors vehicles
  • Rise in ‘minstrel’ rap records
  • I could have told you that anyone with that amount of backhair has to be a bad azz. It looks like I’m going to have to revise my B.M.F.O.A.T. list.

    41 Responses to “SHEIKH’N, RATTLED AND ROLLED…”

    1. Combat Jack says:

      Dude was just fucked from the very effin start.

    2. Combat Jack says:

      Btw, totally random, but Combat Jack really likes Devin The Dude’s new album “Waiting To Inhale”. I think the Dude might very well could save Hip Hop from its sorry state of decline. Imo, out of a possible five lit blunt rating, four and a 1/2 lit blunts.

    3. I Fux says:

      First, No homo

    4. I Fux says:

      At CJ I have been saying all along since the inception of 07 that Devin’s album was the first must buy album and he was going to save Hip-hop for me anyways cuz this sorry state we are in right now is like when ET started dieing when he needed to go home……….Devin waiting to Inhale so far ALbum of the year and >hip-hop is dead> Kingdom come

    5. Combat Jack says:

      ^ I Fux, you’re kidding, right?

    6. I Fux says:

      ^^@ CJ nope dude….I remember being a junior in high school 98′ and listening to the Dude album and thinking this dude is really having fun and telling some good stories a la Slick Rick, Biggie, Too Short you know that type funny but introspective rap

    7. Combat Jack says:


      I meant with the “first” post.

      I’ve been effing with Dev since ’99 when he dropped “The Dude”. It drove my wife crazy, but it’s so effin refreshing to hear a dope rapper do him, with no effin gun play and how he had brunch in ’88 with Noriega n’ems. Just a normal dude rapping about shit all normal dudes want, some paper in their pocket, keeping weed and waxing poetic about weed smoke protocal, and of course, ALL things that concern us with regard to the fairer sex.

    8. I Fux says:

      ^^Co-sign thats what I meant

    9. Combat Jack says:

      The funniest joint on the CD is “Cutcha Up”. Hillarious, but so effin true!

    10. the_dallas says:

      I Fux,
      get at me ith that Dev, Snoop, 3000 joint

    11. Combat Jack says:

      Only correction, imo, is that there are now TWO officially hot cRap albums out for ’07, Devin and of course, Sean Price’s “Jesus Price, Supastar”. That jernt there is a veritable banger!

    12. Candice says:

      Did he confess to stealing my wallet back in 92? I had just cashed my minimum waged paycheck too….DAMN.

    13. Tiffany says:

      This is too funny!!!

    14. ButtFukker says:

      devin the dude huh? I never really fuxed with that dude to be honest.

      This mufucka in the pic needs the Steve Carell in forty year old virgin treatment. Goddamn, that collar is wide as shit.

      wouldn’t surprise me if some dumbshit down south rapper hops on that as a trend, collars all goddamn wide like a bitch was pullin on it because you still swear the kid ain’t yours lol.

    15. twerkolator says:

      the devin album comes out next tuesday right? how have y’all heard it already?

      y’all gon’ cop official right?

    16. Combat Jack says:

      He confessed to

      1. the whole Tawanna Brawley fiasco from a few years back

      2. causing the CCNY stampede that Puffy was involved in

      3. being the gay rapper

      4. being involved in both the ’77 and ’02 NYC blackouts.

      5. JFK’s assasination

      6. Malcolm X’s demise

      7. Jon Benet Ramsey

      8. spiking Big Daddy Kane’s drink, thus causing him to get strapped on by Madonna and losing his ability to rock the mic during his prime.

      9. fathering Sickamore (a/k/a “Yung Lip Gloss”) over at

      10. not actually killing Tupac, but being involved in his shooting and subsequent robbery of dude’s jewels in the famous Times Square incident a few years back.

    17. the_dallas says:

      ^ He does have on an ‘off the shoulder’ white tee

    18. 40 says:

      LMAO @ “Further proof that people wearing white tees are problems…” I think he killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Jon Benet Ramsey.

      CJ & I Fux – Co-Sizz-Lo on that Devin album. It was definitely my most anticipated for early ’07 and he sure didn’t disappoint. Devin stays with that ill shit like:

      “She went from elegant to elephant…”
      “My dick is so clean you can cook it with collard greens…”

      Cats like Devin keep me from making too many general sweeping indictments about Southern rap.

    19. twerkolator says:

      btw, @ that picture:

      “hairy chest wit’ many minks…”

    20. I Fux says:

      ^^ This shit is funny when DMX gets all hyped when Canibus is like”I bet you dont the skills to eat a rappers ass like me”

      I am at work but this is the link for the Devin album

    21. I Fux says:

      And if someone took off all my fingernails I am liable to confess to killing Kennedy,Anna Nicole and supplying E and Coca to Britney

    22. twerkolator says:

      ^ devin link doesn’t work…

    23. I Fux says:

      ^^ I will get a new one

    24. the_dallas says:

      Everybody thank IFux

    25. I Fux says:

      ^^^I think you are being Sarcastic………..I need to get a new link

    26. twerkolator says:

      ‘preciate it I Fux. i’m copping for real on tuesday though. i hope everyone who supports good music and claims to love hip-hop does the same…

      brack, brack, bracket up!!!!! i want my dunks…

    27. bfnh says:

      didn’t expect to find Devin conversation on this thread, but, broccoli & cheese is easily the greatest chorus of the year.

    28. Combat Jack says:

      ^ “broccoli & cheese is easily the greatest chorus of the year”

      And “Cutcha Up” is easily the best concept record for ’07.

      “if they lock me up for it, we’ll still be tight”


    29. Combat Jack says:

      I was listening to “She Used To Be” on the train and this nigga had me cracking the eff up, laughing and giggling all loud that I must have looked like one of them crazy ex Jesus freak niggas. Yay mayne, Devin mos def gets my $$$$ next Tuesday, fah sho!

    30. bfnh says:

      i’m listening at work and the problem is i can’t explain to people i sit near why it’s funny. i mean, i could, but, they won’t find it funny the same way i do.

    31. I Fux says:

      bfnh Says:

      March 15th, 2007 at 3:53 pm
      i’m listening at work and the problem is i can’t explain to people i sit near why it’s funny. i mean, i could, but, they won’t find it funny the same way i do.

      ^^^WHite People never do …………….Just like I found it hilarious that on Sunday Scott Pollard was making faces at the camera and then said “Kids Do Drugs” only to see white people going all ape shit over it

    32. the_dallas says:

      “From elegant to elephant”

      The Dude killed the track

    33. Amadeo says:

      Did he also confess that he was John Belushi and faked his own death?

    34. Nigeria says:

      He also shot the sheriff.

    35. FaTBoY says:

      Roll another swisha
      Listening to the Beat again
      Trying to write some hot shit
      Oh what a job this

      Another all nighter
      Trying to get it done (get it done)
      Barely make it home to see the morning sun
      Baby momma think you on some other shit
      Oh what a job this is

      This track is fire and it got a hot ass verse from Andre 3000

      The past few months 3000 been takin it back to the pre- Hey- Ya days

    36. J™ says:

      I’ve been saying this since 2000 about Devin…right after I heard “The Dude”. You sleepy heads should have been on this a long time ago. Better late than never though.

      I’m glad he’s gettin’ talked about.

    37. miss ahmad says:

      they pulled out all of tupac’s daddy’s fingernails and possibly toe nails and he didn’t confess a damn thing. been in the hole damn near over thirty years and they still can’t break him….now that’s gangsta, this other shit is lite weight!

    38. 911 says:

      Smh…anything to gain notoriety….IF you all only knew…oh well…yeah that Devin is a really good album…I thought upon first hearing cutcha up it was some kinda of ode to the Dude>To the Xtreme>Waitin to inhale…

    39. Bein tortured to admit to some crazy accusations
      sux for you buddy.

    40. holymansound says:

      good look IFux

      Kalid Sheikh has also admitted his involvement in both Bush Elections.


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