Just when you thought that the Iraqi invasion debacle could not find a lower point on the scale of kneehigh morale and optimism… It does. What is finally emerging from the desert is the story of a war engineered by paramilitary professionals as a massive social experiment. Even more than a social experiment it has become a chance to pour money into the unsatiable throat of the industrial machinery of the military. Surveillance intelligence, robotic soldiers, indestructrible armored vehicles and mostly just guns are being thrown around with reckless abandon. There may be more guns and improvised explosive devices in Iraq than there are people. And yet still more guns are on their way.

It’s no longer convenient for me to blame the incompetency of G DUBBZ or the empty rants from the U.S. Senators a/k/a The Vagina Monologues. The forces at work in the Middle East are smarter and far more sinister. Halliburton has moved it’s headquarters to Dubai so that they can watch their money grow firsthand. Is it any wonder why DICK CHENEY isn’t seeking the Republican nod for 2008? In two administrations he has already set up his great-great-great grandchildren for life. Over the next ten years it will easy for DICK CHENEY to make his money. For some Philipino nationals, not so much. Iraq is so fucked the fuck up that American contractors have been kidnapping people in order to get them to work on the rebuilding process.

Dayum! Where the hell is SADDAM when you need him?


  1. Dj RaYz says:

    Daymn, this is whack. We all need to realize the power we hold within ourselves. With that, we need to collectively educate ourselves, and stand up against bull shit like this going on in our nation! Keep on with the education Dallas!

  2. Amadeo says:

    This was the intention the whole time…Daily show did a run down of all the things that have gone missing there including:
    200,000 guns
    hundreds of pounds of explosives
    hundreds of barrells of oil
    12 billion in cash

    Wonder what that will be used for?

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