White women heart RUDY, their ovaries… Not so much.
The ultra-neo-conservative faction of the Republican party is scared that RUDOLPH GIULIANI might undo some of the advances in the GOP that their operatives have been able to establish during the G DUBBZ regime. We’ve all seen the GIULIANI-as-madame photos which lead us to believe he doesn’t object to domestic partnerships. I’m fairly convinced myself that most of these anti-gay opponents are closeted homos anyhoo thanks to Senator CRAIG’s foibles. So even though these chicken hawk politicos love to talk tough and wear skirts for the most part their vaginas are still only figurative.
Women however, usually have vaginas. And it’s their use of those, what I call vaginal devices, that stirs the moxie of Christian coalitions and neo-cons. Most importantly is the fight over a women’s right to terminate a pregnancy. For the last eight years whenever G DUBBZ has wanted to distract voters away from his clearly retarded foreign policy he has chosen to say the word abortion in a sentence along with the word god. This has been the equivalent of cat nip for the majority of conservative and even moderate minded constituents.
GIULIANI has held his position as not being opposed to the ROE v. WADE decision for a long time, but now as his campaign begins to founder pre primary time he seems to be courting the neo-cons for their support. Would GIULIANI throw women’s rights under the bus the same way he threw his last family away for his current cellphone loving wife? You’re damn skippy he would!
The one thing I give RUDY credit for is the transparency of his political ambition. He won’t let ALPHONSE D’AMATO get within 100ft. of him and he won’t even take BERNARD KERIK’s phone calls. Ultimately I hope this blind blonde ambition is what derails this schmuck. When national voters see that he stands beside everything, therefore he stands for nothing, maybe the use of 9-11 as a scare tactic will be diminished. I understand that’s still a stretch since G DUBBZ invokes the same images when he’s busy undermining the national economy.
Is America ready for an unsexy president? I pray that all the voting vaginal devices just say no.
good article. I think u may be conflating neo-con ReThugs with Fundy Christianist ReThugs.
The neo-cons are those that want to pre-emptively attack countries, steal their oil, & actually think they can magically make a democracy via invasion. They are not vocal on abortion
The Fundy Christianist segment focuses on abortion, anti-civil rights are gheys (altho many of these are closeted gheys such as Larry Craig & Rev Ted Haggard), & prayer in school. They are not vocal on wars & foreign policy.
Perhaps the ReThugs can keep both these groups happy, in that they have different core issues they focus on.
Dictator Giuliani is prolly loved by the neo-cons, but hated by the Fundy Christianists.
given his drag outfits, Dictator Guiliani might also be Dic-taster Giuliani.
No Byron Crawford just in case aka no homo aka [||]
El Gringo,
Let me clarify the political landscape for you.
Conservative is the umbrella for longtime ReThugs – Nixonites
Fundy Christos = anti-abortivo, anti-homo homos
Chicken Hawk Hypocrats = pro-war draft dodgers
The above two groups are part of the Neo Con movement. Conservatives used to simply be all about uber-capitalism and against any socially progressive movements. The Neo Cons want their business to be about minding other peoples businesses.
lol at your new slang term “anti-homo homos”. You should write that up on urbandictionary.
I stand by my original definition of neo-con ReThugs vs Fundy Christianist ReThugs.
Peep how some Fundy Christianist leaders are finna start a 3rd party if Giuliani wins the ReThug nomination. Teh Fundys hate Dictator Giuliani, due to Giuliani’s pro-abortion rights position.
1 other thing to note is that the Fundy Christianists are an actual real segment of the population, with millions of regular Joes & Janes. They’re not diverse at all, as they’re mainly white folks in rural & exurbs, in “red states”, but there are millions of them.
OTOH, there are no regular Joe neo-cons. The neo-cons are a tiny group of elites that have many positions in politics & the media. It’s ironic that the neo-cons like William “The Bloody” Kristol want to implement democracies in the Middle East, but have managed to enact their policies in a non-democratic way in the USA. How else can a tiny group with no popular support among Americans get their policies enacted?
Fat, white, nasty, slobs heart RUDY. I don’t envy his position.
^well, I’d smash the brown-haired Italian-looking woman on the extreme right of the photo
but yeah, u have a point about the left-hand side woman.
El Gringo,
Are you tripping? There are tons of regular joe Neo-Cons. Neo-Con is the movement that has CS/IT jobs being shipped overseas wholesale. Neo-Con is the movement to do unto others before they do unto you.
In a country of 300 million it’s not hard to have sub genres comprised of million + followers. Fundy Christos don’t outnumber Catholics or Protestants either, but they come together on Sunday and plot that world domination shit.
The Salon article was good too. That was the basis for this drop. I want to see Giuliani wag the dog and chase after their vote. For anyone watching he will be exposed as a carpetbagger.
Because you live in the Bible Belt you see all kinds of stadium sized churches, but trust me the most followed religion in the U.S. is the one that tries to make love to the Bill. I’m talking about the dollar homey (no Hillary).
“Neo-Con is the movement that has CS/IT jobs being shipped overseas wholesale”
nah, that’s the Corporate Welfare ReThugs, which also has no Regular Joe members, only CEOs, Wall Street, trust fund baby types, & PhD “smart-dumb cats” economists that can do wicked advanced math-er-bation [||], but have no common sense to realize if the US on imports & can’t export shyt, the middle class will disappear. They want to tax wages, not profits. These guys are stans
Dr. Wiki has a nice breakdown about the diff types of ReThugs
was gonna say these guys are stans/cult followers of the “free market”, not realizing that many of the big industries like oil & automobiles are not free markets but oligopolies.
I recall from Econ 101 in college that “pure capitalism” has so many buyers & sellers, that no 1 entity controls the market.
Oil, automobiles, health insurance cos, have like 10 or less huge MNCs dominating the market. That is oligopoly.
Whoa Gringo,
You miss the point. Neo-Con is still the movement. Don’t lump Corp Welfare ReThugs with the trust fund babies because one side is part of the new monied class that is fucking this shit up while the trust fund people are the old monied class that already effed this shit up.
The old Conservative platitudes called for smaller government with less regulation of commerce (no affirm action, non-union, less taxes). The Neo-Cons support a larger, more intrusive, big brother style government, but they are still anti-working class. The Neo-Cons are not just supported by big business either. Within their movement they have linked up with the Christian conservatives who want more regulations on religion and lifestyle. They have also incorporated the chicken hawk delegation that uses terrorism as their excuse to steal wealth and resources from other nations.
All of these groups fall under the Neo-Con umbrella otherwise known as PhoeNixon Rises.
^PhoeNixon Rises….TM that.