KELLOGGS = They’re Grrrrrrrrr-Rapists…

jamie jones

I think I told you that Kelloggs was run by a bunch of racists. Looks like their rapists too…

Victim: Gang-Rape Cover-Up by U.S., Halliburton/KBR

How the fuck do you expect the people in Iraq to not get their shit shot the fuck up by American “contractors” when these same contractors are busy raping their own countrymen?

After months of gangraping all of those curry cunts can you imagine how tasty this sweet morsel of white meat must have looked to those American patriots?

The rape kit that was administered after the attack on this young white tail showed evidence of vaginal and anal rape. Holy KOBE BRYANT! Good thing that the doctors from Kellogg, Brown and Root made that rape kit disappear faster than DANIEL PEARL. Who knows how many of those “contractors” stuck their manhood inside of her poopchute?

The sickest part of this story isn’t even the coverup that the U.S. State Department has participated in along with KBR and their parent company Halliburton, but the fact that the victim has started a not-for-profit counseling agency for all the workers that are returning back to America after being raped and sexually assaulted while working for American countries in the Middle East.

People are coming home from Iraq all fucked the fuck up in every way imaginable. Bodies, minds and spirits broken into a million tiny little pieces.

5 Responses to “KELLOGGS = They’re Grrrrrrrrr-Rapists…”

  1. Tony says:

    But the surge is working (not really)!!!

    Yeah, the story of sanctioned gang rape is pretty disgusting and one of many examples of how this war at the behest of private contractors is out of control.

    On a more childish note, looking at this thing from a Kellogg’s angle . . . It certainly gives that finger pointed in the air by Tony the Tiger a different perspective.

  2. Blackwater says:

    Damn not Tony the tiger on some rape shit. This is sad as hell, the government cvering up and condoning rape. Thats some ol’ bullshit

  3. Combat Jack says:

    war brings out nothing but the worst in humanity.

  4. Amadeo says:

    Well, hot damn. Everybody gets the shaft, eh?

  5. hottnikz says:

    Damn she was held in a container and told that if she got medical attention her job would be gone, that shit is crazy. My job would be gone, honey, and everybody would know why.

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