Whitey On The Moon…

time mag

Reports have placed the U.S. spy satellite at approximately 150 miles above the Earth.

150 MILES?!?

That is like walking distance or some shit.

That doesn’t seem far enough above Earth in my mind. If I drive 150 miles from New York City that puts me in south Jersey or some place. If satellites fly overhead at a height of 150 miles above Earth I could prah’lee spot them on a clear day.

They sure as hell can spot me.

Do you think they will ever release the satellite images of NICOLE BROWN SIMPSON getting merc’ked? You do know there was a gang of killers that shived her ass along with her cokehead poolboy RON GOLDMAN?

Oh well, babies will still go hungry in the U.S. while whitey is on the Moon.

GIL SCOT-HERON – ‘Whitey On The Moon’

One Response to “Whitey On The Moon…”

  1. They can see a penny lying on a sidewalk.
    No, I’m serious.

    They also make cameras now for helicopters that make it so they could clearly see a tattoo on your arm through the sunroof of your car or if you’re in a convertible. And they don’t have to be flying low.

    Don’t even start on thermal imaging and GPS systems.

    *waves to the cameras*

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