
Check the story of how this all girls school from Virginia took a field trip to a Nevada brothel as part of their class on American consumption.

Field trip brings college class to Nevada brothel

I hope these professional women told the students the straight truth which is to drop out of school now and get on their back. There are only a few jobs that are recession proof. Whoring is one of them.

5 Responses to “STUDY A BROAD…”

  1. Might as well legalize it and help the economy. Recession proof for real.

    In high school, my friend dated a girl who was going to Randolph after graduation. 2 weeks before they graduated, she decided she was a lesbian and broke up with him. A year later, she decided she wasn’t gay.

  2. Tony says:

    Certainly, hookers stay winning . . . However, I wonder if they discount prices? Not that I would discount shop for a ho but it might put the whole “freakonomics” thing into perspective. hehe- lame joke I know.

    By the way, that ass . . . Damn, recession proof doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings.

    I dig these shorts posts as well Dallas, nice work.

  3. Enigmatik says:

    i believe that if you take a look at a sample of date going back the last 75 years, you’ll see that for ever recessionary period the skeeze business experienced a slight spike in growth. other businesses that saw such growth included sales of 40 ounces and hair-ron.

  4. lola gets says:

    Umerah, as a Smithie, I feel it is my dute to inform you that Randolph-Macon isnt a “girls school”, its a WOMENS COLLEGE – there is a difference!

    You know what? I would have been interested in a field trip like this too. Im a huge proponent for the legalization of prostitution.

    “There are only a few jobs that are recession proof. Whoring is one of them. ”

    Uh, thanks for the tip, man.


  5. Vee says:

    I didn’t catch this post. HOT PIC and interesting story.
    The HBO specials on some of Nevada’s brothels are cool. That game will never, NEVER, NEVER go out of style. I don’t care how many laws there are in place to deter it, but the game will continue to move the same.

    I would like to see a special report on professional whoring/groupies. A story on groupies who becomes wives of senators, professional athletes and entertainers.

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