Got Milk?

ross titties

So this is why XXL can’t pay me on time?

Harris Publications is apparently too busy milking Rick Ross’ boobies.

16 Responses to “Got Milk?”

  1. Candice says:

    Damn it….there goes breakfast (and lunch).

  2. Couldn’t they have photoshopped a shirt on him?

  3. mcarroll4716 says:


  4. evan says:

    I think XXL gets a donation from the Special Olympics each time Khaled is featured.

  5. sublicon says:


  6. Amadeo says:

    “The milks gone bad!”
    – Rick James

  7. 40 says:

    Rap mags become more and more embarrassing to read in public. Sadly when I’m in possession of one in the office I usually leave it face down if the back ad isn’t equally bad. Sometimes I’d rather be seen reading a copy of “Leg Show” than a cRap mag.

  8. 40 says:

    PS – Ladies I’m sure, in fact CONFIDENT I look better shirtless that Reek RAWSS and I fuck with a shirt on.

  9. Candice says:

    For real…..Rick Ross is bad enough, must he wear that godawful medallion with his image around his neck? Do we really need to see all of that TWICE?

  10. Maxine says:

    yeah, I don’t really wanna fuck Rick Ross…but if I did, would a tat in the cum catching spot be a pre-requisite?

  11. Lion XL says:

    **blank stare** at Maxine’s comment….you really could saved us from that mental image!!!!!

  12. Dart_Adams says:

    I’m showering with a shirt on from now on cuzza this asshole.

    *points to picture depicting a shirtless Rick Ross and makes a disgusted face*


  13. And no one really cares about Ross. I mean Biggie was large in and in charge BUT a) he could rap and b) he usually had his shirt on. (I think there may have been a moment in the “Warning” video where he forgot about Puffy’s shirt memo.

  14. Marvelous Mo says:

    D, you’re jolly and I love that. Every one else can kick rocks. Fat People Repulse Me!

  15. NuJerooz says:

    Yo, this cat aint even on the same level as Biggie!!!HE was the only big dude that could get a pass on that….and you cant even make out this nasty-fat-nasty dudes tats…they just look like patches of dirt-like this nigga dont wash!….OMG and if I hear that “WE THE BEST!!!WHO?!?WEE!!” shit one more time….

  16. prynsex says:


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